School colors: Blue and White
Team name: Blue Devils

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1911: Montana Bohler, Paul Lear, Frances M. Myers
Corvallis High School Has Graduating Programs
Corvallis, May 18 - Rev. R.G. Lewis will preach the baccalaureate sermon at the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening, for which special music is being prepared. On Thursday evening, May 25, the class day program will be given and on May 27 at 8 p.m. the graduating exercises will be held, both of which will be at the Presbyterian church. The graduates are Montana Bohler, M. Frances Myers and Paul Lear. Following are the programs:
Class Day
Music - Mrs. Thos Kane
Welcome Chorus - High school
Class history - Paul Lear
Trio - Lorene Chaffin, Frances Myers, Montana Bohler
Class Poem - M. Frances Myers
Chorus - High school
Class prophecy - Montana Bohler
Class song - Seniors
Graduation Program
Music- Geneve Chaffin
Salutatory - Montana Bohler
Essay - Paul Lear
Solo - Florence R. Hoblitt
Essay - M Frances Myers
Quartet - “Gathering Flowers in May”
Essay - Montana Bohler
Duet - “While the Dew Is on the Lillies”
Valedictory - M Frances Myers
Solo - George Wilcocks
Presentation of Diplomas - President of Board
Trio - Selected
Presentation speech - Paul Lear
Class Orator - Paul Lear
The Western News, May 18, 1911

    The class day program given by the seniors Thursday evening was well attended and heartily enjoyed by everyone. Paul Lear, as class prophet, and Frances Myers, as class poet, did their parts well. The seniors made a big hit with their class song, which consisted of very clever words put to the lively tune of "Casey Jones." They were called back to repeat the song and by special request sang it at the close of the commencement exercises Saturday evening when two new verses were given.
    The commencement program was heard by an overflowing house Saturday evening. Every available seat and all standing room was taken by 8:30, when the exercises began. Paul Lear read an essay on "Ancient Art," Montana Bohler on "The Drama" and Frances Myers on "The voice of the Mountains." Montana Bohler, as salutatorian, and Paul Lear, as class orator, pleased the audience with short addresses, the latter of whom presented a handsome bronze bust of Longfellow, the class present to the high school. The diplomas, in leather cases, satin lined, were presented to the graduates by Matthew Vaughn. Mr. Vaughn addressed a few remarks to the graduates and at the conclusion said to the audience: "Friends, these graduates may be small in quantity, but they cannot be beat in quality." The church was appropriately decorated in gold and light lavender flowers and paper streamers, high school and senior pennants. The motto "In Limine" in old English letters in gold on a lavender background, was the cause of many compliments to the seniors and school mates, who with the teachers were the decorators. The decorating was pronounced by everyone as far ahead of ordinary amateur work.
    At a board meeting Friday evening, A.B. Hoblitt was offered the principalship for another year with a $25 increase in salary, but he has not yet announced his decision. Miss Martha Porter will hold her position as teacher in the high school, and Miss Nora Smithey will continue with the seventh and eighth grades. Miss Frances Myers was elected teacher of the fifth and sixth grades, and Miss VanVleet, of Wisconsin, was chosen teacher of the second, third, and fourth grades. The primary teacher has not been chosen.
The Western News, May 30, 1911
Corvallis Selects Its Speakers For Victor
Corvallis, April 22 - At the declamatory contest held here Friday evening, Lyle Hawker was given first place and Glen Chaffin second. The other speakers were Florence Hay, Effie Applebury, Clarence Hawker and Pauline Cummins. The winners will represent the local school at Victor on the evening of May 4, when they will compete with the speakers from the valley high schools. Both did exceptionally well considering the amount of training they had, and those interested are hopeful of them carrying off the honors at the county seat. Several instrumental selections were rendered by Leslie Goodfellow, and a duet, “Springtime of the Soul,” was sung by Mrs. Hainline and Mrs. Orion Adams. The judges were Rev. G.L. Horene, Rev. R.L. Lewis, and R. Bay
The Western News, April 23, 1912

Corvallis High school graduating class of 1912: Lyle Hawker, George Wilcocks

Corvallis Commencement To Be Held on Friday
    The commencement exercises of the Corvallis High School will be held Friday evening. There are two graduates, Lyle Hawker and George Wilcocks. Following is the program that will be given:
    Salutatory - George Wilcocks
    Solo - Miss Myers
    Oration - “Value of the Study of Languages”  Lyle Hawker
    Duet - Mesdame Adams and Hainline
    Oration - “Evolution of Government” - George Wilcocks
    Class Address - Rev. C. Allen Burrus
    Piano Solo - Mr. Goodfellow
    Presentation Speech - George Wilcocks
    Valedictory - Lyle Hawker
    Presentation of Class to the Board - C.H. Bowman
    Delivering of Diplomas - President of Board
    In May Time - George Wilcocks
Western News, May 7, 1912

Commencement Program At Corvallis Last Friday
Corvallis, May 13 - The commencement exercises held at the Presbyterian church Friday evening were heard and enjoyed by a large audience. The church was elaborately decorated in the class colors, buff and azure, also cut flowers and potted plants. The graduates, Lyle Hawker and George Wilcocks, acquitted themselves with honor. Rev. Allen Burrus delivered the class address and brief talks were made by C.H. Bowman and Rev. Robert Lee Lewis. The class presented a beautiful bronze bust of Shakespeare to the high school. The presentation speech was made by George Wilcocks, and Glen Chaffin responded with a speech of acceptance. The diplomas were presented by John Hay, president of the board, who made a few congratulatory remarks, and also praised highly the work of the  teachers, during the past school year, saying in closing that the board hoped to be able to retain them all for the next term. Following a musical number, the benediction was pronounced after which an informal reception was tendered the graduated by their schoolmates and friends.
Western News, May 14, 1912

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1913: Pauline Cummins, Wellington White

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1914: Russell Bay Sr.

Appoint Trustees
Consolidated School House to Be Erected Soon
Corvallis Instructors and Their Respective Positions for the School Year
Corvallis, July 30 - The annual business meeting of the school board was held on the evening of July 18 and many matters of importance were attended to Since the consolidation of the Woodside, Mountain View and Willow creek schools with that of Corvallis, this district has been raised to one of second class, and beside the three elective, namely, P.M Flugstad, Mat Vaughn, and Dr. C.R. Thornton, two others have been appointed by the county superintendent. They are A.E. Burrell of Woodside and Harry Hall of Willow creek. At the annual meeting, all members of the board were present. Bids were advertised for janitors, for drivers of the six school wagons to be used on conveying pupils to Corvallis, and for fuel for the year. Now that the desired site for the new school building has been obtained, Contractor James Barr, to whom the contract has been let, will begin the erection of a $10,000 building as soon as possible. The site comprises ten acres of land on the northern edge of town, and will be a convenient and conspicuous location. The building will not be completed before the first of November, and until that time, temporary quarters for the extra classes will be established.
    With one exception, the teachers’ positions have been filled and Prof. W.S. Bailey expresses himself as confident of a successful year. At present he and his sister, Mrs. E.E. Scott, are conducting a five weeks summer school for those of the seventh and eighth grades, who expect to take the August examination. Following is the list of instructors and their respective positions: Rexie Rockwell, Rock Island, Ill, English and history; position to be filled, science and German; Claribell Haffele, Beloit, Wis, seventh and eighth grades; Pearl O. Wunn, Manchester, Iowa, sixth grade; Grace O. Johnson, Manitowoc, Wis, fifth grade; Lillian M. Hedges, Columbus, Mont, fourth grade; Benja Lepley, Stevensville, third grade; Mary C. Stevens, Butte, second grade; Georgianna M. Ireland, Wilmington, O, primary. Prof Bailey states that no effort has been spared to get together the best corps of teachers that the salaries would call, and from advance reports everyone should make good. All are full course normal school graduates with life certificates. Miss Ireland comes especially prepared, being a graduate of the Columbus Primary Training school,a nd having taught two years in the state school of Ohio.
Ravalli Republican, August 31, 1914

Masons to Lay the Corner Stone For Corvallis School Building on Labor Day, Monday, September 7, 1914
Corvallis, August 27 - Labor Day, September 7, will be one of the biggest days in the annals of Corvallis history. If plans made at a school meeting several evenings ago are successfully carried out. Upon that day, the cornerstone of the new school building will be laid, the ceremony to be under auspices of the grand lodge of the order of Masons, and they will be assisted in the program by the high school band. At noon, beneath the trees on the lawn of the old school building, an old-fashioned get-together picnic dinner will be served. All the patrons and friends of the consolidated school are requested to bring well-filled lunch baskets and at the spread everyone will be served free of charge. The afternoon's entertainment will include a ball game between the Corvallis Stars and Mountain View, beside a long list of field sports, a program of which will be announced later. The school instructors will be present and the patrons of the consolidated districts should not miss this chance of meeting with them.
    Other business transacted at the school meeting was the employment of the drivers of the school wagons, the position in every instance going to the lowest bidder. They are: W.W. Malone, Woodside, No. 1, $60; Ben Severns, No. 2, $60; Roy Baughman, No. 3, $55; B.S. Wiley, Willow Creek, $60; Gar Burks, Mountain View, $60; Dave Mitchell, Crown Hill, $49.50. The wagons are being set up this week by Johnson & Myers to whom the contract for the construction of the beds was awarded. Bay Brothers secured the contract to furnish fuel, and Carl Hoblitt with a bid of $50, was employed as janitor. Until the new building is completed, the Christian and Presbyterian churches have been rented to accommodate the extra class.
The Western News, Friday, August 28, 1914

Arrangements for the dedication celebration to be held here on Labor Day are progressing nicely. The band is meeting regularly twice a week and assure the picnickers an abundance of music throughout the day. The laying of the corner stone to the new $20,000 school bilding will be in the hands of the grandlodge of the Masons, and speakers, local and out-of-town, will be numerous and interesting. At noon, a big, free picnic dinner will be served in the school yard to which everyone is cordially invited. The afternoon's a entertainment will include sports, a ball game and other amusements.
The Western News, Friday, September 4, 1914

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1915: Glen Chaffin, Ralston Fariss, Florence Hay, Kathryn Rawlins

Corvallis Graduates Give Pleasing Program
Corvallis, May 22 - Commencement week came to a close last evening with the class day program, which had been very cleverly prepared by the club members, displaying their talent and wit. The exercises were keenly enjoyed by the audience that taxed the capacity of the school auditorium, an audience that entered into the conventional spirit of the occasion, together with the students who were seen at their liveliest. At the conclusion of the entertainment, a jolly-up of students and teachers was enjoyed, during which refreshments were served The evening's program follows:
Chorus . . . . Swing Song by High School Girls
Last Will and Testament . . . . Ralston Fariss
Song . . . . Apologies to Tipperary
Prophecy . . . . Katherine Rawlins
Class Song . . . . Glenn Chaffin, Composer
Chorus . . . .  The Clang of the Forge by High School Boys
Giftorian . . . . Florence Hay
Chorus . . . . Achored by High School Boys and Girls
Farce "None So Deaf as Those That Won't Hear"
    Cast of characters:
    Singleton Coddle . . . Ralston Fariss
    Washington Whitewell . . . Glenn Chaffin
    Eglantine Coddle . . . Florence Hay
    Jane Smith . . . Kathryn Rawlins
The Western News, May 25, 1915

Eighth Grade Examinations
    Twenty-seven pupils took the eighth grade examinations here last Wednesday and Thursday. They were Lily Holt, Maud Nichols, Esther and J. Severns, Ralph Keeling, Spencer Huls, Harvey Mackay, Feek Gunter, Willard Krout, Clyde Lockwood, Donald Snow, Cecil Ward, Elizabeth Hightower, Lloyd Burks, Robert Hay, Edna Brooks, Ammeline Goff, Mable Lockwood, Ray Morris, Wayne Flugstad, Verna Tuffs, Roy Allnut, Burl Wing, John Hauf, Maud Wilcox, John and Charles Reagan.
The Western News, June 4, 1915

NO MORE TEACHING: W.S. Bailey Will Quit the Schoolroom for Farm
Corvallis, March 9 - Announcement was made Friday of the retirement of two of Corvallis' prominent professional residents. They are W.S. Bailey, for three years superintendent of the Corvallis school, and Dr. C.R. Thornton, for eleven years Corvallis' only resident practicing physician. Mr. Bailey's retirement will take place at the close of school, when he and his family will move to their ranch north of town to practice dairy farming. Mr. Bailey has been an able and popular superintendent of the local school, and his resignation is the cause of general regret. In a large measure, he was responsible for the consolidation of district No. 1 and for the success attained during its two terms of existence. His successor will be Dr. O.B. Gibbon of Madison, Wisconsin, brother of Mrs. T. L. Morris of this place. Mr. Gibbon comes highly recommended. He is a graduate of the Platteville state normal college; has studied three years  at the state university in Madison and has completed a commercial course at the 4-C college in Madison. He has taught school for several years, and at present is employed at the Omro high school in Wisconsin.
    Dr. C.R. Thornton's successor will be Dr. M.W. King of Victor, a physician of excellent training. He has purchased the Thornton property and will take charge this month.
The Ravalli Republican, March 10, 1916

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1916: Paul Everly, Clarence Hawker, Hugh Lockridge, Earl Malone, Wilder Popham, Ruth Rasmussen, Clara Shultz, Carolyn Sutherland, Hazel Whitesitt, Lola Wing

Ten Graduate From Consolidated School.
    Corvallis, May 19 - Commencement week of the Corvallis consolidated high school began Sunday morning with the baccalaureate sermon delivered by Rev. E.D. Gallager. Before a congregation that taxed the capacity of the Federated Church, the pastor delivered an eloquent address upon the subject, "Playing the Man." Special music by the choir, and a bass solo, "Out of the Deep," by W.S. Bailey were rendered. Following the service, the graduates, Ruth Rasmussen, Hazel Whitesett, Lola Wing, Clara Shults, Earl Malone, Carlyn Sutherland, Hugh Lockridge, Clarence Hawker, Wilder Popham, and Paul Everly were taken by automobile to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Popham, where they were tendered a sumptuous dinner.

The Commencement Exercises
    Wednesday evening, at the school auditorium, the commencement exercises were held, with Dr. Underwood, Professor of Sociology, as speaker of the evening. The program: Invocation, Rev. E.D. Gallager; "Estudiantina," ladies triple trio; commencement address, Dr. Underwood; voice and cornet, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Davenport; ladies quartet Mesdames Bolen, Beardsley, Cobb, and Scott; presentation of class gift, Carlyn Sutherland; vocal duet, Frances Myers, W.S. Bailey; presentation of diplomas, H.W. Hall; brass quartet, Bailey, Hawker, Chaffin, and Cobb; benediction. Friday will be class day, and in the evening the seniors will present a lively program, including two farces and selections of music.
The Western News, Friday, May 19, 1916, page 1

Corvallis Consolidated Schoool has Completed Successful Term of Nine Months

Corvallis, May 18 - The Corvallis consolidated school will close today after a successful term of nine months. Commencement week began with the baccalaureate sermon at the Federated church Sunday morning by Rev. Elmer D. Gallager. The pastor gave an eloquent address on the subject,  "Playing the Man," text 11 Sam, 10:12. An anthem, "O Be Joyful," was sung by the choir and W.S. Bailey rendered the bass solo, "Our of the Deep," in an effective manner. The church was filled to its capacity. Following the services, the graduates were taken by automobile to the home of Mr. and Mrs.E.L. Popham, where they were tendered a very sumptuous dinner.
    Wednesday evening, the commencement exercises were held with a reception for teachers, and graduates at its close. The graduates are: Hazel Whitesitt, Ruth Rasmussen, Lola Wing, Clara Shults, Paul Everly, Carl Malone, Hugh Lockridge, Carlyn Sutherland, Clarance Hawkes, and Wilder Popham. Following is the program: Invocation, Rev.E.D. Gallager; Estudiantina, girl's chorus; commencement address: Dr. Underwood of State University; voice and cornet, Prof. and Mrs. A.J. Davenport; "Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming," ladies' quartet; presentation of class gift, Carlyn Sutherland; vocal duet, Frances Myers, W.S. Bailey; presentation of diplomas, H.W. Hall; benediction. The class day program will be held Friday evening.
Ravalli Republican, Friday, May 19, 1916

Corvallis News
Corvallis, March 15 - O.B. Gibbon has been reelected superintendent of the Corvallis consolidated school for next year at a salary of $150 a month and each of the other ten instructors were asked to remain and all but four have accepted. Bethel Irwin and R.C. Fusion will teach in the high school, together with Anna Nedry who will have departmental work in the grades with other teachers to be secured later. Miss Angelina Amidon will probably teach the fourth grade, Miss Vera Pride, the second, and Miss Bertha Snider whose salary was raised to $85 the primary. The three lowest grades will be housed at the old school building. The teachers who resigned are: Claribelle Haffele who expects to go to California; Miss Olive Opgenorth, who will visit her brother at Tacoma; Miss Ellen Lehr who intends completing a course at the Wisconsin State Normal College and Miss Frances Meyers who has applied for a position elsewhere.
Corvallis Wins and Loses
    The Darby school girls basket ball team was defeated 20 to 14 by the Corvallis girls in a spirited contest at the local gymnasium on Friday evening. The Darby boys were victorious over the home players, winning by a score of 36 to 23.
The Western News, March 15, 1917

    The Corvallis schools will open September 4 with the following teachers employed: Superintendent, O.B. Gibbon; high school, Bethel Irwin, C.W. Abbot of Boonsville, Indiana, and R.C. Fuson; the grades - Miss Magine McCormick of Warrenburg, Missouri, Miss Hazel Ford of Wisconsin, Miss Edna Edwards of South Dakota, and Miss Angelina Amidon and Bertha Snider. The third grade teacher had not been secured the first of this week, and the teacher of the seventh grade will be mentioned later. A reception for the teachers is being arranged by the women's organizations of the community, the reception to be held at the beginning of the school year.
The Western News, August 23, 1917

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1917: Ruby Browning, Fay Burrell, Milburn Hawker, Hazel Lockwood, Lloyd Lockwood

Corvallis, May 24 - The Corvallis school closed Thursday, and after answering the roll call and receiving their report cards, the pupils of the first, second, and third grades spent the day picnicking at the old school ground; the fourth grade picnicked on the Myers ranch west of town and the high school took to the hills where the day was happily spent. Friday evening, the commencement exercises were held with the address of the evening by Prof. C. Holiday of the state university. Dr. Holiday is a very able speaker and he held the attention of a crowded house for an hour. The program included the unveiling of the class motto, "Impossible is Un-American," which had been artistically done in the class colors, green and rose. The pink rose as the class flower was conspicuous among the decorations of the stage, where sat the graduates, Fay Burrell, Milburn Hawker, Hazel Lockwood, and Lloyd Lockwood. Ruby Browning was not present. The class gift, a group of framed school photographs, was presented by Lloyd Lockwood, and accepted in behalf of the juniors by Harvey Elliott. The presentation of gifts from the class to Superintendent O.B. Gibbon and Miss Claribelle Haffele followed. The diplomas were conferred by Prof. Gibbon, after which the audience sang "America" and was dismissed with a benediction by Rev. B.F. Flannery.

Vacation destinations
With the close of school, several of the teachers are leaving Corvallis for the scenes of summer vacations. Superintendent Gibbon will leave next week for his home at Madison; R.C. Fuson expects to go to New York; Misses Haffele and Lehr left Monday for their homes at Shullsburg, Wisconsin; Miss Opgenorth will spend the summer at Seattle visiting her brother and attending school; Miss Amidon left Saturday for Erie, Colorado, to visit a sister, and Miss Snider has gone to Winona, Wisconsin, to visit relatives. Misses Irwin and Pride are at their homes in Hamilton and Misses Nedry and Myers will remain here for the present.
Ravalli Republican, May 25, 1917

Corvallis Players Won From Hamilton Last Friday
Next Game Will Be With Stevensville This Evening
Corvallis, February 7 - The Corvallis high school basketball team defeated Hamilton last Friday evening in an uneven contest which resulted in a score of 45 to 6. The game was played on the home floor and was witnessed by a good sized crowd. Summary: Hamilton - Hollibaugh, Ganzans, field goal. Joseph Bachman, Cash, Bohan and Swayze, 4 free throws. Corvallis - Rasmussen, 12 field goals; Popham, 1 field goal, 3 free throws; Hay, 4 field goals, 1 free throw; Humble, 1 field goal; Morris, 2 field goals; Wing Elliott. Umpire and referee, Abbot  and Davis. Corvallis’ next game will be Friday evening with Stevensville.
Ravalli Republican, February 8, 1918

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1918: David Buckridge, Harvey Elliot, Alice Hall, Rupert Hauf, Lee Popham, Helen Quast, Lillian Quast, Dorothy Sheldon, Robert Stanley, Martha Sutherland

Consolidated School Opened Monday Morning
Initial Enrollment of the 264 pupils Will Increase When Autumn Work is Completed
Corvallis, October 10 - The Corvallis consolidated school opened Monday for a full nine months’ term with an initial enrollment of 264. This is sure to be increased when the fall work is completed. The high school has an enrollment of 40 and the grades as follows: First, 26; second, 27, third, 37; fourth, 36; fifth, 22; sixth, 23, seventh, 26; eighth, 27. “The regular routine of work began Monday,” said Superintendent Charles W. Abbot, “and by afternoon everything was running smoothly. The school has a promising year ahead. Each teacher has been selected for her ability in her particular branch of work. In the upper grades, the work will be departmental.” Mr. Abbot’s corps of teachers are Miss Bethel Irwin, Miss Mabel Fitch, Mrs. De LaBarre, Misses Merle and Mary McDermott, Miss Edna Volgt, Miss Holmes, Miss Sue Ettlen, Miss Izabel Benton, and Miss Hortense Zahm. The order not to change time when the daylight saving plan is changed October 27, the school hours are now from 10:15 a.m. to 4:40 p.m.
Ravalli Republican, October 17, 1918

Music In Schools
To Be Added to Curriculum at Corvallis School
Graduate of Drake’s Conservatory of Music at Des Moines to Have Charge of Classes
Corvallis, October 17 - For the firs time in its history, music is to be an important feature in the curriculum of the Corvallis consolidated school. Miss Merle McDemott, a graduate of Drakes conservatory of music at Des Moines, Iowa, is to teach music and art throughout all the school, and in the high school it is to be made a specialty. “Superintendent Abbott and Miss Bethel Irwin are so strongly back of me,”  said Miss McDermott Saturday, “that they are allowing us forty minutes a day, and full credit for musical advancement. We have organized a girl’s glee club and later we hope to have a boys’ glee club and a juvenile choral society. We held our first orchestra practice Friday with five pieces. We hope to enlarge it gradually.” Miss Irwin, one of the highs school instructors, is to have charge of the girls’ athletics. Tennis courts are being constructed and there will be baseball.
Ravalli Republican, October 24, 1918

School is Closed
Preventive Measure Against Spread of Disease
Corvallis Residents Believe That “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure”
Corvallis, October 24 - Upon the advise of the state health authorities, the Corvallis school was closed Thursday for two weeks as a preventive measure against the spread of influenza. There will be no lodge meetings this week and no church services Sunday.
    Dr. H.D. Browning stated a few days ago that as far as he could learn, there were no cases of influenza in this community. He stated, however, that grip ad colds were general and that he was attending one case of measles Since then, a number of cases of measles have developed among school children.
Hot School Lunches
    The organization of a parent-teachers’ association, through which hot lunches can be served to country school children this winter, was the topic of discussion at a joint meeting of the school board and the teachers held Saturday evening in the school building. When school resume, the board expects to call a meeting of school patrons to undertake the organization of an association. The teachers of the upper grades volunteered to see to the carrying of a hot lunch to the country children, a plan of which the board did not wholly approve, the board believing the responsibility should rest mainly upon the parents; the mothers to cooperate with the teachers in the work The primary teachers at the old school building will follow the example of their predecessors in the serving of hot chocolate or soup, beginning as soon as school resumes Heretofore, the children have supplied
vegetables and chairs, and have paid a nominal sum to cover other expenses of materials. The board proposes to finish and furnish one of the basement rooms in preparation for the hot lunch, which they feel assured will be approved by everyone.
Ravalli Republican, October 25, 1918

Tutors Are Hired. Three Vacancies in School Have Been Filled.
Deferred Electing Princpal and Balance of Teachers Until a Future Board Meeting
Corvallis, May 16 - At a meeting of the Corvallis consolidated school board Saturday evening, three teachers were elected to fill a part of the vacancies next year, made by resignations of the present instructors. They are Miss Edna L. Adams, Elliotsburg, PA, primary grade; Miss Mildred Haffele, Shullsberg, Wis., second grade; and Miss Gertrude Hunter, Ozark, MO, third grade. Each have relstives in the valley. Miss Adams is the sister of J.Q. Adams of Hamilton; Miss Haffele is the sister of Mrs. Paul D. Lear, and Miss Hunter is the niece of Mrs. J.D. St. John. The board failed to elect a principal, and will await for further consideration of applications. Two teachers in the high school and instructors for the seventh and eighth grades will be selected at an early date.
Ravalli Republican, Friday, May 18, 1919
Took Fourth Place
Corvallis Athletes Who Attended the State Meet Will Take Part in County Meet
Corvallis, May 23 - Frank Humble, John Huf, Merton Rasmussen, and Spencer Huls, with their coach, C.W. Abbot, returned Saturday from Attending the interscholastic track and field meet at Missoula. The boys, though few in number, were there with the quality, and took fourth place in the meet. Today the team will go to Hamilton to compete in the Ravalli county high school track events.
Ravalli Republican, Friday, May 23, 1919

Comedy in Three Acts
Senior Class Will Give "The Return of Hi Jinks" some Time During the Next Month
Corvallis, May 23 - Rehearsals are under way for the senior class play, "The Return of Hi Jinks," a comedy in three acts, employing a cast of 13 characters. Frank Humble has the leading role and he will be assisted by Maxine Fugate, Esta Severns, Ruby Caple, Winifred Frogge, Beatrice Morgan, Ruth Sutherland, Nora Buckridge, Wayne Flugstad, Constance and Spencer Huls, Lawrence Humble and Charles Reagan. The play will be presented some time next month.
Ravalli Republican, Friday, May 23, 1919

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1919:
Wayne Flugstad, Maxine Fugate, Spencer Huls, Frank Humble, Charles Reagan, John Reagan, Esta Severns
Successful School Came to a Close this week
Graduation Exercises Were Held Wednesday Night and Diplomas Given seven pupils
Corvallis, June 20 - The Corvallis Consolidated school closed Monday, and in spite of interruptions from quarantine the year was successful, according to Superintendent C.W. Abbot. Other members of the teaching staff agreed with him, including Mrs. De LaBarre of the eighth grade, who states that of the 25 pupils taking the eighth grad examination, 22 passed the test successfully.  John Reagan has the distinction of completing the required high school course in 21 months.
    Manifesting their customary interest in school affairs, Corvallis people turned out in large numbers to the commencement week exercises. Sunday evening the baccalaureate sermon was preached y Rev. L. Hulser of the United church. To the juniors fell the honor of decorating the interior of the building and they very tastefully arranged a profusion of peonies in the senior class colors, maroon and white, terns and iris about the rostrum and in the windows.  The service opened with a processional played by Miss Myrtle Fitch, and the class of ‘19 took its place in seats of honor, followed by the teachers and the juniors.  The program continued as follows; Hymn, “Onward Christian Soldiers;” Invocation; hymn, “Awake My Soul;” solo, “Behold the Master Passeth By,” Harry Johnson; sermon, “The World’s Need of Disciplined Leaders,” Rev. L. Hulsor; duet, “Whispering Hope,” Winifred Frogge and Glenn Chaffin; recessional and benediction.
The Western News, June 20, 1919

Class Play
    An audience that taxed the capacity of the school auditorium heard and enjoyed the class play, “The Return of Hi Jinks,” Monday evening. The production was credibly given, especial honors going to the principals, Frank Humble, Winifred Frogge, Wayne Flugstad, and Ester Severns. Humble took the role of Hiram Poynter Jinks, the college lad, who upon returning to his home town, found that a malicious joke of jealous fellow students had made him a fictitious hero. He was equal to the occasion, however, and with the assistance of the moving picture star, Mimi Mayflower, a role very ably acted by Winifred Frogge, the day was saved and having heart united. Other members of the case: Thomas Hodge, a senior in Hoosie college, Wayne Flugstad;  Solomon Bloomer, a moving picture director, Charles Reagan; Henry Shorter and George Davis, Hoosie freshmen, Lawrence Humble and Spencer Huls; Bedelia Norris, Mimi’s friend, Ester Severns; Thyran Judson, president of the Literary Research Club, Ruby Caple; Emilie Snodgrass and Minnie Graham, members of the club, Beatrice Morgan and Constance Huls; Mrs. Rogers, wife of the editor of the Wurisboro Weekly Gazette, Ruth Sutherland; Mrs. Bumpsky, janitress of Wurisboro town hall, Nora Buckridge; Evangeline Slater, engaged to Hiram Jinks, a member of the club, Maine Fugate. The play was a comedy in four acts, and while the audience waited for the shifting of the scenery, the juvenile orchestra was heard in a number of selections; Miss Quast and Ruth Bailey played a piano duet; Miss Merle McDermott sang “The Old, Old Live” and Glenn Chaffin sang “Boy of Mine.”

Diplomas Awarded
    Wednesday evening the commencement exercises were held, and diplomas were awarded. Maxine Fugate, Esther Severns, Wayne Flugstad, Frank Humble, Charles and John Reagan and Spencer Huls. In a conspicuous position was displayed the class motto, “Carpe Diem: (Seize The Opportunity)  and the class colors, maroon and white were used in advantage in a profusion of lovely flowers. The class flower, the American Beauty rose was also in evidence. The program: Piano solo, Lillian Quast; Invocation, Rev. W. U. Fugate; valedictory June Reagan; vocal solo, Harry Johnson; commencement address, Dean A.L. Stone; chorus, “Water Lilies,” high school girls; presentation of diplomas, Superintendent Charles W. Abbot.
The Western News, June 20, 1919

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1920: Maude Nichols, Emma Quast, John Hall, Clyde Lockwood, Ruth Sutherland, Nora Buckridge, Gladys Fleming, Mary Shults, Eldon Shults

    The Corvallis consolidated school will close this week. Examinations will be be held on Thursday and Friday and on Monday the pupils will return for their report cards. The seniors class day will be Tuesday, and the commencement program will be given Thursday evening, May 27. The commencement address will probably be given by Louis N. Simes of the State University, and the musical number will be in charge of Miss Maud Massey. On Sunday morning, Rev. L. Hulser of the United Church will preach the baccalaureate sermon.
    The teachers for the ensuing term were elected Saturday as follows: L.E. Forbes, superintendent; Miss Inez Morehouse, high school, and Miss Maud Massey, Miss Mae Voigt, Mrs. Annette Poppe, Mrs. H.J. Peavy, Miss Gertrude Hunter, and Miss Mildred Haffele, grades. New teachers elected are Lyle Hodson, of the Montana University, principal of the high school; Miss Olive Johnston of Ozark, MO, high school; Mrs. Lillian Bay and Miss Ethel Wilson, grades. With one or two exceptions, the contracts had been signed by Tuesday, with none of the salaries below $1,000. The grades have not yet been assigned.
    Superintendent Forbes has the work for next year well outlined. There will be some manual training for both boys and girls;  the Thorndyke scale will be employed in credits for penmanship and spelling, and the Curtiss system for grading other subjects. That pupils may be placed with more accuracy to each grade, near the beginning of the term, by F.O. Smith, head of the psychology department of the State University. Mr. Forbes would eliminate guesswork in building a stronger and more efficient educational system, and is confident this system of classifying pupils will be a great advantage to both child and teacher.
The Western News, May 20, 1920

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1921: Ray Allnut, Inez Brooks, Leslie Cole, Winifred Frogge, Robert Hay, Edward Holloran, Constance Huls, Edward Malone, Leona Reagan, Marie Sutherland

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1922: Isabelle Florence Bailey, Theodore Lewis Cochran, Rose Kathryn Cutler, Daniel Aaron Hoblitt, Maurice Raymond Marti, Ruth Rawlins, Delbert Blodgett Shults, Emmett William Smyth, Max Beryl Stanley, Alfretta Willard

Ten Graduate From Corvallis High School
Today is Class Day for the Corvallis schools The program follows:
Chorus, Glee Club; Class History, Raymond Marti; Salutatory address, Theodore Cochran; Valsetta, Ruth Bailey; Valedictory address, Rose cutler; Class Poem Isabelle Bailey; class Prophecy, Ruth Rawlins; Class Will, Daniel Hoblitt; Presentation of gifts, Delbert Shultz; Chorus, Glee Club
Commencement, May 26
Spring (Pearson) . . . . . Glee Club
Address . . . . . . Dr. F.E. Davis
Selected Classics . . . J.R. Raudabaugh and Miss Catharine Raudabaugh
Presentation of Diplomas
Tales of Hoffman (Offenbach) . . . . Glee Club
The Class Motto: “With the Hopes of the past we will ring the bells of the future”
Class Colors: Purple and Gold
Class Flower: Pansy
Class Roll: Delbert Blodgett Shultz, president; Rose Katheryn Cutler, Vice president; Maurice Raymond Marti, secretary-treasurer; Isabelle Florence Bailey, Daniel Aaron Hoblitt, Alfaretta Willard, Ruth Rawlins, Theodore Lewis Cochran, Emmett William Smyth, Max Beryl Stanley
The Western News, May 25, 1922

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1923: Lucille Cole, Ralph Erickson, Gladys Glenn, Charles Hall, Maxine Holloran, Cora Mae Jenkins, Clarence Marti, Otto Quast, Emma Raudabaugh, Mary Sharpneck, Charles Sharpneck, Ester Smyth, Rebecca Waldbauer.

School Exercises
Corvallis Seniors Gave an Excellent Program
Diplomas awarded to Graduates By Mrs. Verne Black, President of Woman’s Clubs of County
Corvallis, May 17  -Seniors of the high school gave a rollicking entertainment and demonstrated their originality at the school auditorium in the class day program Tuesday evening. The house was filled. Each of the 13 graduates had a special part in the program which included the reading of the will, the poem, the prophecy, the song, the presentation of gifts to juniors and teachers. Cora Mae Jenkins gave the valedictory and Esther Smythe the salutation. Emma Raudabaugh was the class grumbler, filling a unique place on the program. The class motto, “We Finish to Begin,” was discussed, as were also the class colors, gold and white. The class flowers, the yellow tulip, came in for a brief mention by a member of the class. Musical numbers were interspersed between papers and added to the enjoyment of the entertainment.
    High school diplomas were awarded Rebecca Waldbauer, Lucile Cole, Emma Raudabaugh, Esther Smythe, Cora Mae Jenkins, Gladys Glenn, Ralph Erickson, Clarence Marti, Charles and Mary Sharpnack, Maxine Holloron, Charles Hall and Otto Quast Wednesday evening at the commencement exercises of the class of ‘23. The presentation was made by Mrs. Verne Black following the commencement address by Attorney Harry Parsons of Missoula. Others appearing on the program were Rev. I.B. Parker, who gave the invocation, and Mrs. Tom Kane, who rendered a piano solo before the address. The house was filled to capacity.
Ravalli Republican, April 18, 1923

Annual School Picnic
High School Students and Faculty Motored to Sleeping Child Springs Saturday
Corvallis, April 26 - Thirty teachers and students of the Corvallis high school went to Sleeping Child Springs Saturday on the annual junior-senior picnic. The trip was made in a school truck and the motorists found the roads good. The hospitality of the springs resort saved the day, for on account of inclement weather an out-door dinner would have been unpleasant, but an invitation from the proprietor of the hotel to the juniors to use the dining room for serving their guests the picnic feed was accepted and the meal was partaken of in perfect comfort. A swim in the plunge followed the dinner and in the evening a weiner roast provided noursihemt at the supper hour. Enroute home, the company stopped athamilton, where the seniors were again the guests of the lower classmen at the movies.
Ravalli Republican, April 27, 1923

Corvallis Students Are Graduated
    Gladys Glenn, Charles Hall, Maxine Holloron, Cora Mae Jenkins, Otto Quast, Emma Raudabaugh, Charles and Mary Sharpnack, Ester Smyth, Rebecca Waldbauer, Lucile Cole and Ralph Erickson, were awarded diplomas of graduation from the Corvallis High School Wednesday evening, May 16 at the commencement day exercises. The address of the evening was delivered by Attorney Harry Parsons of Missoula, who presented practical thoughts in a clear, concise manner, stressing the importance of service and activity as the measure of man’s success in life. The program included invocation by Rev. L.B. Parker, a piano solo by Mrs. Tom Kane, the presentation of the class by Superintendent P.F.Felker and presentation of diplomas by Mrs. Verne Black, member of the school board.
Western News, May 24, 1923

Building and Rooms Have Been Cleaned, and Coal Placed in the Bins for winter heat.
Corvallis, August 30, 1923 - The Corvallis school will open for the fall term September 4. The school buildings have been cleaned, 120 tons of coal have been stored in the bins and the teachers and truck drivers have all signed contracts to be on hand that day. P.F. Felker as Superintendent has been on the job most of the summer preparing for the new term, and he has given careful attention to details connected with his office. Superintendent Felker will be assisted in the high school by C.A. Jackson, Mrs. George Dally , and Miss Gillespie of Freeman, Missouri. The grades will be in charge of Miss Alice Hall, Miss Oro Phillips, Miss Marie Sutherland , Miss Winnifred Frogge, Miss Cora Jenkins , Mrs. Gene Evans , Mrs. E.R. Bay, and Miss Ruth Waddell .
    A reception for the teachers will be given Friday following the opening of school, with members of the women's organizations in charge. All patrons of the school will be invited.
Ravalli Republican,  August  31, 1923

P. R. Felker Re-elected
Superintendent of Corvallis Consolidated Schools Rehired at Meeting Wednesday Afternoon
Corvallis, January 24 - P.R. Felker was re-elected superintendent of the Corvallis consolidated school at a regular meeting ot he board held Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Felker has not accepted and will be allowed one month in which to decide. His salary remained the same, $2,000. Mr. Felker has held the position of superintendent of the Corvallis consolidated school for two terms and his administration has been satisfactory top board and patrons alike, and residents generally are hoping he will sign the contract for another year. Routine business occupied the attention of the boar for some time and adjournment was made at 5 o’clock.
Ravalli Republican, January 25, 1924

Eleven Freshmen Entered Corvallis High School
Superintendent Felker and Four Pupils Returned Sunday from Attending Congress
Corvallis, January 24 - Monday was the beginning of the second semester of the Corvallis school.
Advancements and promotions were made in every grade, with a total of eleven freshmen entering high school. They were: Mary Fierce, Melba Schwab, Helen Bates, Frances Huber, Pearl Marti, Mary Johnson, Margaret Leibel, Josephine Rawlins, Edna Johnson, John Flemming, and Max Blodgett. The high school now has an enrollment of 100 and regular attendance of 80, according to statement made Monday by Superintendent P.R. Felker. HIgh school teachers have assumed added work for this semester, Mr. Felker stated, and to relive them for class periods the seniors have been asked to assume charge of a self-government system in study half periods.
    Superintendent P.R. Felker and the four boys who attended the vocational congress at Bozeman returned home Sunday. Curtiss Talbot, Kenneth Popham, and Paul Erickson were boys sent by the high school, and Thomas McGee accompanied the others at his own expense. Mr. Felker was the only Ravalli county principal in attendance at the superintendent-principal meeting conduced by State Superintendent May Trumper. A report of the congress will be given by the delegates this week.
Ravalli Republican, January 25, 1924

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1924: Annie Adams, Ruth Bailey, Hazel Glenn Balbi, Alma Carmichael, Paul Erickson, Ernestine Goff, Grace Hoblitt, Kathleen Holloran, Rollin Jenkins, Mary Lanham, Cara Malone, Kenneth Popham, Lorna Severns, Abigale Smithey, Curtis Talbot

Corvallis Teachers Chosen for Fall Tern
    All teachers who applied for reappointment in the Corvallis schools were reelected by the board. They are: Marie Sutherland, second grade and third B; Winifred Frogge, fourth ad third A; Ruth Waddell, sixth; Mrs. Ed Bay, seventh; Mrs. O.E. Vaara, eighth, and C.S. Jackson, high school staff. Mr. Jackson’s salary was raised by the board. An instructor for the fifth grade and two high school teachers are yet to be chosen. Miss Gertrude Hunter of Ozark, MO, will be in charge of the primary grade. Mrs. George Daily has resigned from the high school teaching staff and the position has been taken by Mrs. P.H.Felker. Mr. and Mrs. Daily will leave for Illinois about May 1, where they expect to reside permanently
Western News, April 1, 1924

Corvallis Schools Arrange Program For Final Session
    The Corvallis consolidated school will close on May 15. Preparations for the final exercises are under way, with the high school arranging for the graduation of a class of 15. They are; Alma Carmichael, valedictorian; Annie Adams, salutatorian; Hazel Balbi, Grace Hoblitt, Kathleen Holloran, Curtis Talbot, Ruth Bailey, Paul Erickson, Cora Malone, Lorna Severns, Abigale Smithy, Ernestine Goff, Mary Lanham, Rollin Jenkins and Kenneth Popham. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev. W.W. McDonnell at the Methodist church, on Sunday, May 11. Class day will be May 13 and May 14, will be commencement day. Attorney Harry Parsons of Missoula is to give the commencement address.
    Other activities in the school at this time are the observance of Arbor Day, which is to be a ceremonial and tree planting by the Boy Scouts and the Campfire Girls at the school building on April 24. A May fete will be held at the school grounds on May 1, with a program of outdoor dances and drills by pupils of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh grades.  Mrs. O.W. Vaara is in charge of the entertainment and she will be assisted by the teachers, Mrs. Ed Bay, Mrs. Jean Evans, and Miss Winifred Frogge.
    Corvallis will enter a small team in the county track meet this spring. A few boys are in training at present, but lack of interest hinders progress and there will not be many entries. The athletes are being coached by P.R. Felker
The Western News, April 24, 1924

Honor Students at School Announced
Corvallis, March 12 - Honor roll students for the six weeks just closed in the first grade are Everett Felix, Edward Tew, Jack Talbot, Richard Schwab, Robert Moisio, Avon Bagley, Marie Barr, Loyce Simmons, Rita Guay, Julia Moeller, Margaret Neilson, Ruby Squires, Catherine Christofferson.
Second grade students are James Estrada, Joel Guay, Dovie Anne Dye, Lou Re Cobb, Edna Felix, Grace Squires.
Third grade, Lorraine Wolffs, Alice Lear, Caroline Christofferson, Doris Kane, Louise Moeller, Doyle Dunbar, Douglas Hoblitt, Jack Iman, Carl Swanson, George Estrada, Lewis Hall, and Frank Slocum.
    Friday afternoon the pupils of the ungraded class, the first and third grades, were entertained by the pupils of the seond grade  who gave a Washington-Lincoln program in the second grade room.
Montana Standard, March 13, 1925

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1925: Bill Cole, Margaret Dye, Wilfred Helm, Joseph Jenkins, Mildred Johnson, Bessie Randolph, Hector Rasmussen, May Smithey, Ethel Sutherlin, Enid Tallent, Harold Vaughn

Corvallis Schools Opened Tuesday
    The 1925-26 term of school at Corvallis was ushered in Tuesday when the enrollment of students began at 9 am. Contracts for teachers had all been signed in advance as had those for transportation drivers. Janitor William McAtee had the building in first class shape and the year’s supply of coal is being placed in the basement at the present time.
    The grade teachers will be Kathryn Weber, Mrs. Marie Huls, Winnifred Frogge, Doris Blakely, and Marie Emmerson. In high school, Superintendent Jackson will instruct in mathematics and history and the remainder of the teaching staff will be conprised of J.M. Schwirtz, Margaret Bjorneby, and Henrietta Wilhelm.
The Western News, September 10, 1925

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1926: Harold Eldredge, Walter Engler, Julia Hoblitt, Mildred Johnson, Alta Johnson, Tom Kane Jr, Alice Louise Magee, Mildred Martin, Glenn McAtee, Herbert McKillop, Ruth Popham, Dorothy Powell, Estella Rockafellow, Tom Smith, Mildred Snell, Alpha Stordock, Helen Swanson, Ellen Walker, Aleda Wheelbarger

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1927: Helen Bates, Raymond Birck, Dorothy Bliss, Max Blodgett, Gladys Brooks, Margaret Dye, Mary Fierce, Laurrane Frogge, Ruth Hull, Edna Johnson, Pearl Marti, Clarence Popham, Josephine Rawlins, Melba Schwab, Herbert Slack, Electa Walls, Frances Wetzsteon

Mary Fierce To Be Class Valedictorian
Corvallis, April 17 - Mary Fierce, who held an average grade of 97 during the entire four years of her high school course, will be valedictorian of the senior class this year and Melda Schwab, who had an average of 96.4 during the four years, will be salutatorian. Edna Johnson with an average of 95.19 and Helen Bates with an average of 93 are two other seniors with commendable four year records.
    High school commencement will start Sunday, May 15, with the baccalaureate sermon by Rev. C.J. Taber at the Methodist church. Monday following will be class day and Tuesday, May 17, will be commencement day. President Kiemm of Intermountain Union College at Helena will deliver the commencement address. He will speak also for the commencement programs at Darby, Hamilton and Stevensville. The seniors are rehearsing their class play, “Tea Toper Tavern,” which will be given at the Corvallis auditorium on May 13.
The Western News, April 21, 1927

Corvallis Commencement
    Commencement exercises were held in the Corvallis School Auditorium on Tuesday evening, May 17, the following students receiving their diplomas: Electa Walls, Gladys Brooks, Ruth Hull, Pearl Marti, Max Blodgett, Josephine Rawlins, Dorene Frogge, Herbert Slack, Mary Fierce, Frances Wetzsteon, Helen Bates, Margaret Dye, Raymond Birck, Clarence Popham, Dorothy Bliss, Melda Schwab, and Edna Johnson.
    Eighth grade diplomas were presented to Louis Hull, Helen Pollinger, Beulah Stordock, Knowlton Fierce, John Huber, Gard Lockwood, Orion Cobb, LeRoy Cobb, Kenneth Mattson, Edna Johnson, Daniel St. John, George Bryson, Ralph Miller, Virginia Kenney, Hubert Greenfield, and Elmer Louis
The Western News May 26, 1927

School Resumed Short of  Pupils and Tutors
High School Students are Reviewing Preparatory to Taking the Semester Examinations
Corvallis, January 4 - When school resumed Monday after a week’s vacation, the high school faculty was short two teachers and the attendance in the grades was considerably below average, due to delayed trains, sickness and deep snow which prevented school busses covering their routes. By Tuesday, all the teachers had returned from their vacation visits and roads were opened, and the weather had moderated so that grade children made a bigger showing, according to a report given by Superintendent C.S. Jackson. Fourteen inches of snow made travel by truck hazardous and one bus turned over Monday west of Woodside.
    High school students are devoting the week to review preparatory to taking the semester examinations. Basketball practice has been strenuous to make ready for the games of the week, one Friday evening at Stevensville and a second Saturday evening at Florence.
    The grade department will be represented in basketball by a team from the eighth grade including Lee Glenn, Bob Engler, Rex Severns, Fritz Bay, and Ned Applebury.
Ravalli Republican, January 5, 1928

    With the closing of school Friday, 432 children were dismissed from classes for the summer, and 25 of them will not return next year, having graduated from the high school. It was the largest senior class in the history of the school. Twenty five students completed the prescribed eighth grade course and will compose the freshmen class in the high school next year. They are: George Zacha, Edna Carmichael, Doris Bryson, Ila Blodgett, Glenn Paul, Elmer Ludecke, Clifford and Dorothy Slocum, John Powell, Rex Severns, Russell Berche, Frances Squires, Fritz Bay, Charlotte Gonneau, Catherine Leibel, Jean Wetzsteon, Clara Rawlins, Beth and Ned Applebury, Mary MacIntire, Dorothy Helm, Anna Patton, Robert Engler, Roland Shanty, and Robert Simmons.
    Eighth grade diplomas were awarded at the commencement exercises last Wednesday evening by Superintendent C.S. Jackson. An honor conferred on the eighth grade was the awarding of a framed picture given as a prize for the class having the clean-room banner the most times during the year. The fourth grade received the second prize.

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1928: Lloyd Applebury, James Black, Richard Bryson, Catherine Cesar, Russell Church, Evelyn Duncan, Ruth Dye, Virginia Eldridge, John Fleming, Idell Frogge, Donald Holloron, Frances Huber, Margaret Leibel, Ella Pollinger, Alfred Poppie, Opal Powell, Glenn Shults, Warren St. John, Elaine Stordock, Edith Taber, Clark Wheelbarger
    At the commencement exercises, Catherine Cesar was awarded the citizenship prize, having been selected by the teachers and classmates as the best citizen during the four years of her high school course. The esteem of the senior class for Superintendent Jackson was expressed in a material way with a handsome gift presented at the graduation exercises. He was also the recipient of a Masonic ring, presented by the teachers, and of a desk set given by the high school student body. Mr. Jackson is leaving the school this year after having served here in an efficient manner three years. He and his family will leave this week to go to the C.E. Jackson ranch west of Hamilton, where they expect to spend the summer.

     Commencement week closed Saturday for the seniors with a jolly picnic at Sleeping Child springs. The week's program, which began with the baccalaureate sermon Sunday evening, commencement exercises Wednesday evening, the junior prom Thursday evening, and a wiener roast and picnic in farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Friday evening. The prom was held in the gymnasium which the juniors had decorated in pine boughs and streamers. Music was supplied by a Hamilton orchestra and the dancers included high school students, the teachers, and members of the school board. Refreshments were served. The wiener roast took place in the pine grove on Coal Pit.
    A campfire was the center of attraction and about it the high school students sang songs, gave yells, and told stories. Later they enjoyed a lunch. The trip Saturday was made as a grand finale to the year and was one of the happy events of the closing. The class was accompanied by the high school teachers.
Ravalli Republican, May 24, 1928

Corvallis School Opens September 4
Class Rooms Placed in Readiness for Pupils. Improvements Are Made
Corvallis, August 25 - The Corvallis school is to start on September 4. The class rooms have been in readiness for the pupils; the walls have been kalsomined, the floors oiled, the furniture varnished. A new concrete floor has been placed in the basement of the high school building. The fourth grade room has a new floor of wood. New desks have been set to care for tn anticipated increase. The cleaning and repair work has been in charge of the janitor, Tom Cooper. He has been engaged at it all summer.
    The high school teachers will be O.W. Lasiter, who is superintendent and Harry E. Shierson, who is principal; Mrs. Othel Severns and Miss Vera Vern  Phelps of Butte.
    Sam Cappious of Cottage Grove, Ore, will teach the eighth grade; Miss Rose Sestak will have the seventh; Miss Vern Lee of Missouri, the sixth; Miss Grace Hoblitt, the fourth; Miss Mary Larkins of Anaconda, the third; Miss Kathryn Weber, the second, and Mrs. Velva M. Wilford the first. A fifth grade teacher has not been secured.
The Missoulian, August 26, 1928

Women’s Club Holds Flower Exhibits in Corvalls School
Corvallis, September 24 - The largest flower show in the history of the school was held here under the auspices of the women’s club. The show has become an annual event and the exhibitors, with the exception of a special class for sweet peas are school children. The winners were:
    Best potted plant, first grade, Cathrine Christofferson, Oscar Cook and Avon Bagley; second grade, John Ashby, Jean Elliott; third grade, Helen Heavlin, Frank Cook and Marian Million.
    Best garden flowers: fourth grade, Ruth Hull, Helen Fiercce and Leslie White; fifth grade, Mary Louise Warren, Martha Poppie, Dorothy Engler; sixth grade, Ethel Shults, Ruth Worden and Beulah Worden; seventh grade, Kathleen Gander, and Dorothy Hefner and Russell Bay.
    Best sweet peas grown by adult: Mrs. J.S. St.John. Prizes were awarded to the winners. The judges were Mrs. R.R. Smithy, Mrs. A.C. Kimpton and Mrs. Willard Hall.
Montana Standard, September 25, 1928

Teachers Receive Local Parents
Corvallis, September 24 - Patrons of the school were given an opportunity to meet the teachers Friday evening at the annual teachers’ reception held at the school gymnasium. The teachers were welcomed formally by Mrs. W.H. Christofferson, president of the woman’s club. Superintendent W.O. Lasater responded with a few words and Miss Vera Vern Phelps spoke for the high school teachers; Miss Fern Lee for the upper grade teachers and Miss Mary Larkin for the primary teachers.
    The program included piano solos by Mrs. R.O. Wilson and Miss Ruth Bailey and vocal selections by the Hull-Morris male quartet. The reception was well attended.
Montana Standard, September 25, 1928

Corvallis School Has Many Honor Students
Corvallis, November 13 - Following is a part of the honor roll in the Corvallis school during the first six weeks period.
High school: Gifford Slocum, Clarice Glidewell, Dorothy Slocum, Ed Shults
8th grade: Mary Lee Simmons, Norma McLean, Florence Severns, Harry Stoll, Jack Hawker, Frances Adams.
3rd grade: Frank Cooke, George Estrada, Jack Iman, Doris May Kane, Alice Ray Lear, Uno Moisio, Frank Slocum Carl Swanson, Lorraine Wolff
2nd grade: Dovie Ann Dye, Edna Felix, Lou Re Cobb, Roy Moisio, and Joel Guay
1st grade: Rita Guay, Marle Barr, Richard Schwab, Margaret Nielson, and Catherine Christofferson
The following pupils from the first grade were neither tardy nor absent during the first six weeks period: Oscar Cook, Richard Schwab, Jack Talbot, Harold White, Nolan Yonkers, Avon Bagley, Adaleen Blodgett, Rita Guay, Margaret Neilson, and Ruby Squires.
Montana Standard, Butte, MT, November 14, 1928

Corvallis, December 15 - Miss Leola Fairchild arrived Monday from Heyburn, Idaho, to take charge of the upgraded class in the Corvallis school. A room in the primary building is being furnished for the new class and it will be ready for occupancy this week. In the meantime, Miss Fairchild has been visiting the grades from which she will take her pupils.
    A girl’s basketball team has been organized by the high school girls’ coach, Miss Vera Phelps. It includes Edna Fleming, right forward; Ruth Matteson, left forward; Clara Kane, center; Doris Reeder, left guard, and Ruth Taber, right guard, Substitutes are Beulah Stordock, Edna Johnson, Alice Johnson and Doris Bryson. The captain is Clara Kane and the manager if Nona Yerian.
    Miss Lucile Lasater, daughter of Superintendent W.O. Lasater, has volunteered to coach a grade girls’ basketball team and she has a lively aggregation coming forward. The girls enjoy the practice games and hope to have a few contests with other schools during the winter.
    Coach Harry E. Shierson has a fine prospect for a winning basketball team from among the high school boys. He has been putting the team through vigorous practice and expects to have them in good condition for the first game of the schedule on January 4. Twenty-six boys are in line for the team. Interclass contests began this week.
Montana Standard, December 16, 1928

Basketball Teams are Honored at Luncheon
Corvallis, March 4 - High school basketball teams were honored Friday with a luncheon at the Community house, at which 80 students and teachers sat at long tables to be served with a two-course meal by a committee of girls from the high school.
    Superintendent W.O. Lasater was toastmaster and he called for and received toasts from Coach Harry E. Shierson, Coach Vera Vern Phelps, Captain Edward Shults, and Captain Clare Kane; Managers Byron Price and Nona Yerian; assistant coach, Homer Bailey; Mrs. Othel Severns and Mrs. James D. St. John, chairman of the school board. The luncheon was served at the noon hour and the students returned to classes at 2 o'clock.
    Five members of the teams played their last games for Corvallis at the Florence-Carlton-Corvallis game on February 23. They are Edward Shults, Wallace Lamoreaux, Evelyn Adams, Edna Fleming, and Clare Kane. The five seniors will graduate this spring.
Montana Standard, Butte, MT, March 5, 1929

Pupils of Corvallis School Give Program
Corvallis, March 4 - The second grade pupils, under the director of their teacher, Miss Kathryn Weber, entertained their friends Friday afternoon at a Washington-Lincoln program at the primary school building.
    The program was given: "Welcome,: Myrtle Ott; song "Lincoln and Washington," school; flag salute, school; exercise, "Like Washington," Joe Daunhauer, Joe and Dominick Morocco; flag drill, Edna Felix, John Ashby, Gwen Poll, James Estrada, Ethel Chaffin, John Foos, Louise Parpolia, Edward Burk, Grace Squires, Junior Snell, Lucile Chaffin, Roy Moisio; "Little Soldier" playet, Grace Squires, Edna Felix, Edward Chaffin, John Ashby, and Jean Simmons; hatchet drill, Paul Zetto, Joe and Dominick Morocco, Edward Chaffin, Joe Daunhauer, John Foos; minuet, Lois Brooks, Edward Zacha, Kenneth Talbot, Doris and Dorothy Adams, Russell Giesy, Jean Elliot, Charles Goneau, Dovie Ann Dye, Joel Guay, Vance Bay, and Lou Re cobb; "Betsy Ross," Gwen Poll, Lucile Chaffin, Madge and Mildred Chaffin, Myrtle Springer, Jean Simmons and Thelma Smith; song "America," school; "Closing time," Lou Re Cobb.
Montana Standard, Butte, MT, March 5, 1929

Activities Planned by High School Students
Corvallis, March 21 - There will be no Easter Vacation for the local high school and the spring quarter started last week with activities for track, declamation, and commencement well begun. Honor roll students for the six weeks just past were Dorothy Slocum, Edward Shults, Ruth Tabor, Clarice Glidewell, Wallace Lamoreaux, Addie Tew, Kathryn Bailey and Gifford Slocum.
    A dozen boys were out several days ago training for the county interscholastic tract meet and more will enter this week. Coach Harry Shierson will put them through rigorous training to be ready for the annual event. The date and rules governing the meet will be determined Tuesday evening when the Ravalli County athletic association meets in Corvallis for that purpose. The meeting is to be at 6 o’clock dinner at the Walker hotel and representatives from all the valley schools will attend.
    On Friday afternoon, high school students and grade pupils at the high school building enjoyed an educational motion picture, “The Yoke of the Ages,” at the gymnasium. It was the second given here recently.
    Under the leadership of Harry E. Shierson, a school orchestra has been organized and regular rehearsals are being held twice weekly. The orchestra will supply music for school events during commencement week and upon other occasions.
    Commencement week will be May 19-25. Thirteen seniors will graduate. They are Holger Toftoy and Homer Bailey, who completed the course at midyear; Edward Shults, Wallace Lamoreaux, Robert Holloron, Isabel Magee, Clare Kane, Edna Flemming, Nora Yerian, Edna Tripp, Ruth Severns, Evelyn Adams and Annetta Swanson.
    “Oh Susan,” a comedy, has been selected for the junior play and is will be presented at an early date.
Montana standard, March 22, 1929

Dedicate Paper to Honor of Teacher
Corvallis, October 20 - The first issue of the Corvallis Echo, high school paper, was distributed a few days ago and was dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Othel Severns, Corvallis teacher who died June 1 from gunshot wounds received from an unknown person.
    The staff is: Editor-in-chief, Irene Johnson; associate editor, Emily Maud Mills, news editor, Doris Reader; exchange editor, Ruth Mattson; humor, Happy Cobb; sports, Claris Glidewell; clubs, Betty Melius; advertising, Wilda Heiner; social editor, Katherine Liebel; cartoonist, Helen Pollinger; typists, kathryn Bailey and Ruth Taber; circulation, Lewis Hull; business manager, LaVern Cobb.
    The front page of the first issue was adorned with a pen sketch of the school building done by Helen Pollinger.
The Helena Independent, October 21, 1929

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1929: Evelyn Adams, Homer Bailey, Robert Holloron, Clare Kane, Wallace Lamoreaux, Isabelle Magee, Ruth Severns, Edward Shults, Annete Swanson, Holger Toftoy, Edna Trip, Nona Yerian

1929 Junior Class Photo

Corvallis School is Destroyed by Flames
Fire, which started in an electric motor of the water plant, totally destroyed the Corvallis Consolidated school house Tuesday morning causing loss of thousands of dollars to the tax payers of Corvallis school district Number One. The fire was discovered about 9:45 by Joe Lear who promptly turned in the alarm. About 96 high school and 200 grammar school students marched out of the building with their teachers into the freezing weather. The last of the line of marching pupils had but arrived outside the building when flames crept hungrily up the staircase from the basement and roared through the building which burned like tinder. The pupils had not time to gather up their coats, rubbers, overshoes, and lunch baskets, all of which went up in smoke together with the building and its equipment.
    But little more than one hour was consumed in burning the structure. When the flames had finished their work, a tumbled mass of charred wood and brick remained grouped about the foot of a brick chimney, the only part of the building which remained standing. The building was of frame with a brick veneer, and was constructed in 1914-15. It was first occupied in February 1915. When the building was first decided upon, voters of the Corvallis Consolidated District voted bonds in the sum of $20,000 to build the structure. This sum together with other funds in possession of the consolidating districts was used to erect the school house. It is believed that the building itself cost in the neighborhood of $25,000 to build including heating equipment. Should the structure be duplicated today however, the cost would be much greater on account of increased cost of material and labor. Equipment in the building which was also lost is estimated to have a value approximating $21,000.
    Immediately the fire was discovered, the Hamilton Fire Department was notified and one of the trucks made a rapid run to Corvallis in an effort to save the building. Upon arrival in the town, it was apparent that the building was lost and no water was available to fight the flames had the fire boys been on hand at the fire's inception. On their way to Corvallis, the fire boys on the truck narrowly escaped collision with the Northern Pacific southbound passenger train stopping but a few feet from the tracks near the Surprise ditch crossing while the train shot past.
    As the flames crept up and encircled the building in a solid sheet of fire and smoke, the terrific heat could be felt for a long distance from the burning building. Glass in the widows melted and ran in bizarre shapes testifying adequately to the great heat engendered by the flames. The brick veneer fell from the frame walls of the structure as they blazed fiercely.
    All temporary records of the school were lost but the permanent records were in a safe on the second floor and are presumed to be safe. The safe has not yet been recovered from the debris but will be dug out in a few days.
    The School Board of Hamilton Consolidated School District No. 3 as a result of the disastrous fire which destroyed the Corvallis school together with text books and other equipment immediately offered its assistance to the Corvallis school authorities. The Hamilton school offers to furnish text books and other equipment or high school accommodations for the Corvallis students. It is considered possible by the Hamilton Board to find room for the Corvallis high school students should that community desire to bring the pupils here.
The Western News, Thursday, January 16, 1930, page 1
    The Corvallis High School building was destroyed by fire on a cold January 14, 1930 day. There followed a 9-day vacation for the students. School resumed on Monday, January 29 with the high school and grades 5 through 8 meeting in temporary facilities. The 98 high school students and their 4 teachers met in the Masonic building. The 25 eighth graders and their teacher, Sam Cappious, were established in the Community Hall, the seventh grade of 35 pupils and their teacher, Miss Fern Lee, assembled at the Methodist Church annex. The fifth and sixth graders joined the four lower grades at the primary school building.
    When school resumed, school supply stores did a rushing business with many students needing to replace their personal supplied destroyed in the fire.
    Basketball practice was held in the Odd Fellows' Hall, but the ceiling was not high enough to permit regulation-height baskets. Because of that, Corvallis played all of their games away from home.

    O.W. Lasater was re-elected superintendent of the Corvallis school for his third term at a meeting of the school board Monday afternoon. Mr. Lasater came here in 1928 from Winnett, where he had been connected with the schools for 12 years. He secured a degree at the state university last year by attending the summer term of school.
    The school board voted to extend its thanks to the public, the organizations, the schools, the business houses and other individuals who helped to make possible the resumption of the Corvallis school January 27 following a fire on January 14 which destroyed the school building. A new building is under consideration by the board, but no action will be taken until after a committee visits a number of other school buildings in western Montana.
Ravalli Republican, January 30, 1930

School Papers Moist, But Were Not Injured
School Did Not Resume Last Monday as Expected, But Will Be Ready Next Monday
Corvallis, January 22 - Permanent records of the Corvallis school were found unharmed in a fireproof safe after it had gone through the fire which destroyed the high school building Tuesday of last week. The safe was taken from the basement of the building late the same day of the fire. A chain and hook were thrown about the safe by H. Bishop and dragged from the ruins by a team of horses. Members of the school board opened the safe last Wednesday and found that the inside was still warm from the intense heat of Tuesday's blaze. The papers were moistened from steam, but were otherwise uninjured. The safe fell from the second story of the building to the basement.
    Contributions of money were made by businessmen of Corvallis, Hamilton, and Stevensville toward the purchase of new basketball outfits and equipment for the high school boys' team, and the order of goods, placed Wednesday by Coach Breneman, was received Thursday. A place to practice is all the boys need now and it is hoped can be supplied by the use of the Odd Fellows' hall.
    Despite the extreme cold, volunteer laborers worked Friday and Saturday getting temporary school rooms ready for classes. The men worked under the leadership of carpenters and were able to get most of the buildings ready in the two days. Other work remained to be done, however, and the school did not resume Monday as had been hoped. This week O.W. Lasater, assisted by other teachers, hope to get the books assembled and classes will resume not later than January 27, he stated, unless unforeseen difficulties arise.
    Forty tons of coal, which were stored in the basement of the school building, were still burning Sunday. An effort was being made to remove some of the coal from under the blazing cover. The 70-foot furnace chimney was still standing, but will be blown down as soon as possible, L.N. Brooks, chairman of the board, stated. It is thought to be a menace to children who are likely to play about the ruins.
Ravalli Republican, January 23, 1930

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1930:
Kathryn E. Bailey, Dean LaVern Cobb, Earl H. Colley, Mildred L. Duncan, Edna I. Fleming, Gerald A. Gibbons, Wilda K. Hefner, Irene Y. Johnson, Marie Ruth Mattson, Emily M. Mills, Bessie L. Pickerill, Jack V. Smith, Ruth Taber

School To Resume
Grades May Open in the Primary Building
High School Department Expected to Open In New Building By Next Monday Morning
Corvallis, September 10 - The Corvallis school will start next Monday unless some accident occurs to prevent completion of the high school department in the new school building. All of the grade rooms may not be finished, O.W. Lasater stated Sunday, but if the high school rooms are ready for use the grades will start in the primary building and continue there until the new school rooms are ready.
    The following teachers will have charge: O.W. Lasater, mathematics and history;  Oliver LaRue of Worden, boys’ athletics, science and mathematics; Catherine Elmer of Aberdeen, Wash, girls’ coach, commercial and English; Ruth Whitlock, Latin and English; eighth grade, Sam Cappious; seventh grade, Edyth Overland of Bowman, N. Dak; sixth grade, Mrs. Sam Cappious; fifth grade, Rose Cutler; fourth grade, Aleta Wheelbarger; third grade, Kathryn Holloron; second grade, Mildred Hansen of Zoteau; first grade, Velva Wilford.
Ravalli Republican, September 11, 1930

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1931: John Adams, LeRoy Cobb, Orion Cobb, Claris Glidewell, Lewis Hull, Edna Johnson, Elmer Lewis, Kenneth Mattson, Helen Pollinger, Dan St.John

Two Hundred Couples at Annual Junior Prom
Baccalaureate Sermon to Be Given Sunday By Rev. J.F. Swallow at United Church
Corvallis, May 4 - The gymnasium of the high school was decorated in the senior colors, blue and gold, for the junior prom held Saturday evening. The 17 seniors and their parents were guests of honor and nearly 160 other friends of the juniors were present. The grand march was led by Bob Glenn, president of the junior class, and Miss Florence Severns and as the 200 couples passed the head of the hall, each dancer was presented with a program. Eighteen dances were completed to the music of Yorton’s orchestra. During the evening, punch and wafers were served by two small girls in costume. In a conspicuous place were displayed the four athletic trophies awarded the school this year for championships in football, boys’ and girls’ basketball and the county track meet.
    The baccalaureate sermon will be given Sunday evening at the united church by Rev. J.F. Swallow. The date was set forward a week on account of the pastor’s plan to leave about May 10 for Buffalo, NY to attend the national conference of United church workers. Sunday morning Mother’s day services will be held in local churches and at the United church the occasion will be observed as goal day with the attendance goal in Sunday school set at 200. At the Methodist church the morning service will be a homecoming for distant members and friends to whom invitations were mailed early in the week A dinner for the home-comers is to follow the worship hour.
Ravalli Republican, May 5, 1932

Corvallis High School to Close Year Tonight

Rev. John Dix of Missoula to Deliver Commencement Address at the School Auditorium
Corvallis, May 18 - Fifteen high school graduates will be given their diplomas at commencement exercises to be held tomorrow evening at the school auditorium. They are Addie Tew, valedictorian; George Bryson, salutatorian; Beth Applebury, Russell Bertche, Edna Carmichael, Donald Lamoreux, Elmer Leudecke, Martha Leudecke, Gard Lockwood, Lillian Moisio, Grace Parker, John Powell, Clara Rawlins, Rex Severns, Robert Simmons, Louise Tew, and George Zacha.
    The class day program Tuesday night was: Processional, Mrs. Del Brisbin; class song, seniors; salutatory address, George Bryson; president's address, John Powell; giftorian, Beth Applebury; orchestra, senior play, a satire in two acts, "Suppressed Desires," Donald Lamoreux, Clara Rawlins, Grace Parker; orchestra; class prophet, George Zacha; councellor, Elmer Luedecke; doctor, Gard Lockwood; grumbler, Robert Simmons; statistician, Martha Luedecke; class will, Rex Severns; seniors' ten commandments, Louise Tew; senior hopes, Lillian Moisio; valedictory address, Addie Tew.
    The commencement program: Processional, Miss Ruth Bailey; invocation, Rev. R.L. Meyers; vocal duet, "Oh That We Two Were Maying," Mrs. J.W. Moore and Mrs. George Barr; trumpet solo, Eugene Meyers; address, Rev. John Dix of Missoula; piano duet, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Barr; presentation of diplomas, Superintendent O.W. Lasater; recessional, Miss Bailey.
    Eighth grade graduates will also be awarded diplomas. They are: Harry Adams, Osborne Back, Elsie Bagley, Bobbie Bay, Charlotte Bohler, Albert Bosket, Foustino Bosket, Jean Bryson, Mary Buck, Harry Chaffin, Robert Cooley, Salvador Corral, Helen Davis, Joe David, Dorthy Engler, Charles Dunbar, Carl Gustafson, Georgia Hall, Marlyn Haugen, Ilda Hess, Paul Kenny, Marion Loesch, Barbara McVay, Delbert Pile, Helen Moisio, Winston Morris, Louise Osborne, Martha Poppie, Ula Rose, Louise Rose, Ladeen Sessions, Marjorie See, George Simmons, Mary Warren, Helene White, Margaret Wheelbarger, Beulah Worden, Margaret Yerian and Richard Yoder.
Ravalli Republican, May 19, 1932

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1933: Ned Applebury, Amos Chaffin, Madge Chaffin, Helen Dye, William Engler, Lee Glenn, Robert Glenn, Richard Hull, Bernard Melius, James Pickerill, Jean Printz, Jean Scott, Florence Severns, Mary Lee Simmons, Dan Sutherland, Mabel Swanson, Delores White, Harry Yerian

Seniors Honored
Annual Junior Prom Held At Corvallis School
Class Colors of Silver and Rose Decked High School Gymnasium for Gala Event Friday
Corvallis, April 26 - Decked in silver and rose, the senior class colors, the high school gymnasium was the scene of the annual junior-senior prom Friday evening. Madge Chaffin, senior, was chosen prom queen and was crowned with ceremony by the junior president, Virginia Glenn, and seated on a throne of silver and rose. The selection was made by vote of the student body. Members of the school board, their wives and husband were patrons and patronesses of the prom and many parents and friends of the high school students were in attendance. Throughout the evening fruit punch and wafers were served from booths.

Commencement at Corvallis
    Commencement at Corvallis High School opened Monday evening with the alumni-senior banquet at the school gymnasium with 150 plates served. The calendar follows: May 12: junior play; May 14, baccalaureate sermon by Rev. H.H. Longenecker at the United Church; May 16 Class day program featuring two one-act plays by the seniors; May 19, commencement exercises with address by Senator Tom Kane. Jean Printz will be valedictorian and Mary Lee Simmons salutatorian. The past week, the class went to Hamilton to have pictures taken at the Hageman studio. On Friday, the high school was dismissed for the county track meet and on May 6, Aileen Sessions will represent the school at the county declamatory contest. Semester examinations will be held May 16 and 17.
The Western News, May 4, 1933

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1934: Dandido Bacerra, Walter L. Barr, Carl Doty, William N. Duncan, Tom Dunbar, Frederick S. Fierce, Kathleen Gander, Ruth Gustafson, Virginia Glenn, Dorothy Hefner, Elmo Hess, Helma Maki, Kathryn McVay, Ernest Olsen, Julia Printz, Emma See, Doris Simmons, Conrad (Kibby) Toftoy, Milton Wolffs

Robb To Elliston
Corvallis, June 6 - Robert Robb, athletic coach and instructor in science at the local high school for the past three years, has been elected to the position of superintendent of the schools at Elliston, he stated recently on his return here after business trip to Helena. Experiments are under way, he said, in co-operation with the educational department of the state government to make the Elliston schoool a model institution of learning. Mr. and Mrs. Robb plan to spend most of the summer at Missoula, where Mr. Robb will attend the state university.
Ravalli Republican, June 7, 1934

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1935: Chauncey Bass, Francis Bass, Edith Bragg, Robert Carmichael, Mildred Collier, Abel Corral, Roland Grisell, Melvin Hess, Wesley Holloron, Harry Johnson, Louise Keys, Robert Kyle, Margaret Lamoreaux, Lois Lear, Margaret McVey, Olive Magee, Pershing Menager, Jesse Mickens, Chester Powell, Ora Session, Franklin Severns, Ethel Shults, Milford Sperry, Orville Sperry, Clara Tew, Ruth Warden, Jack Zito
Class Photo

Commencement Talk Given At Corvallis Yesterday
Rev. Jesse Bunch is Speaker and Rev. Longenecker Delivers the Baccalaureate Sermon
Corvallis, My 15 - Rev. Jesse Bunch, president of Intermountain College at Helena, delivered a commencement address here last Wednesday evening for the high school graduating class. The graduates were Chauncey Bass, Francis Bass, Edyth E. Bragg, Robert D. Carmichael, Mildred L. Collier, Abel J. Corral, Roland J. Grisell, Melvin A. Hess, Wesley W. Holloron, Harry M. Johnson, Louise E. Keays, Robert C. Kyle, Margarett F. Lamoreux, Lois R. Lear, Margaret McVay, Olive M. Magee, Pershing J. Menager, Jesse L. Mickens, Chester L. Powell, Ora V. Sessions, Franklin Severns, Ethel Louise Shults, Milford V. Sperry, Orville E. Sperry, Clara E. Tew, Ruth E. Worden, Jack C. Zito
    Monday night the class day program was presented before a packed house at the high school gym. Sickness prevented all members of the class being present. Following is the program: Song, class; salutatorian, Margarett Lamoreux; history, Louise Keays and Ruth Worden; grumbler, Francis Bass, Chester Powell; poet, Clara Tew; will, Margaret McVay; statistician, Abel Corral; prophecy, Melvin Hess, Ora Sessions; giftorian, Ethel Shults, Roland Grisell; valedictorian, Mildred Collier. The class motto was “If There Is Not Path, We’ll Make One;” the colors, nile and coral, and the flower, pink rose.
    “Addition and Subtraction” was the theme of a baccalaureate sermon reached Sunday evening by Rev. H. H. Longenecker for 27 seniors graduating from the Corvallis high school. The service was held at the United Church which ws filled to capacity. The combined choirs of Corvallis churches led the congregation in the singing of hymns, and Mrs. Marian Gregg sang “I Would Be True.” The church was decorated in plants and spring flowers by the juniors and the lower class men acted as ushers.
Ravalli Republican, May 23, 1935

Eighth Grade Over
Big Class Finishes Elementary Work at Corvallis; School Picnics Mark End of Term
Corvallis, May 22 - Eighth grade pupils completing the prescribed course of elementary school work this year from the Corvallis school were: Doris Adams, Dorothy Adams, Lois Brooks, Lucile Chaffin, LuRea Cobb, Dovie Dye, Edith Eggers, Lucille Mickens, Edna Felix, Pauline Marquez, Wilma Foreman, Dawn Heter, Leota Poll, Mildred Puyear, Frances Rissler, Margaret Sperry, Lorraine Taber, Wilma Whitesitt, Vance Bay, Edward Chaffin, Willis Foreman, Nathaniel Garrard, Russell Giesy, William Guse, Howard Hay, William Hargett, Peter Cook, Robert Overman, Roy Moisio, Arel Sessions, Junior Snell, Kenneth Talbot, Gene Vining, Edward Zacha, Juanita DeWitt, Helen Briggs, James Estrada.
    School closed Friday after the pupils had gone in for one hour to receive report cards. The sophomores celebrated by picnicking at Sleeping Child springs and the primary pupils held the annual ice cream picnic.
Ravalli Republican, May 23, 1935

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1936: Osborne Back, James Barkoff, Gene Bryson, Charlotte Bohler, Mary Nell Buck, Harry Chaffin, Robert Cooley, Charles Dunbar, Dorothy Engler, Dorothy Foreman, Della Francis, Melba Francis, Ilda Hess, Eugene Gerald LeMire, Barbara McVey, Mary Ohl, Delbert Pile, Junior Printz, Marjory See, LeDean Sessions, Mary Louise Warren, Helen White, Carl Wickham

Commencementat Corvallis Event of Next Week
Twenty-Three Young People Finish High School Courses; Affairs will Honor the Group
Corvallis, May 13 - Delbert Pile is valedictorian and Marjory See is salutatorian of the senior class of 23 students graduating from the Corvallis High School next week. The class is composed of thirteen girls and ten boys. They are LeDean Sessions, Charles Dunbar, Marjory See, Gerald LeMire, Osborne Back, James Barkoff, Charlotte Bohler, Jean Bryson, Mary Buck, Harry Chaffin, Robert Cooley, Dell Francis, Dorothy Engler, Dorothy Foreman, Melba Francis, Ilda Hess, Barbara McVay, Mary Ohl, Delbert Pile, Mary Warren, Junior Printz, Carl Wickman, and Helene White.
    Commencement week will start Sunday with baccalaureate services in the evening at the Methodist Church. Rev. Frank Sutton will deliver the sermon and the combined choirs of the Methodist and United churches will lead the singing.
    Monday evening will be class night when seniors will appear in a district school setting to display their talents in a farewell program. The entertainment will be at the school auditorium.
    The commencement program will be next Wednesday evening with Mayor Ralph Arnold of Missoula giving the address. Rev. Ray Ames will give the invocation and benediction, Jack Hawker will render a vocal solo and the girls' glee club will sing. School will close for the term Friday.
    Seniors will complete their class work this week. Others will be occupied with closing term tests Monday and Tuesday and final grades will be presented on report cards Friday morning.
Ravalli Republican, May 14, 1936

Close of School
Dismiss Corvallis Students For Summer Vacation
Second Semester Honor Roll lists Several Seniors; Eight Grade Grads Received Diplomas

Corvallis, May 27 - With the closing of school Friday, 400 school children, 13 teachers and eight bus drivers were released for a three month vacation. Report cards were issued Friday and there were no classes. The school was pronounced officially closed at noon for its 25th year.
    Honor roll students for the second semester were announced as follows: Charlotte Bohler, Dorothy Engler, Delia Francis, Delbert Pile, Marjory See, LaDean Sessions, Doyle Dunbar, Vivian Felix, George Horak, Ruth Hull, Francis James, Laura Mattson, Doris Kane, Alice Lear, Pearl Overman, Gwendolyn Puyear, Caroline Chrisofferson, Jack Iman, Arthur Keech, Ruth See, Cecelia Sheridan, Vance Bay, Lois Brooks, Lucile Chaffin, LuRea Cobb, Dovie Dye, Edna Felix, Willis Foreman, Russell Giesy.
    Eigth grade graduates were: John Ashby, Marie Barr, Josephine Boyer, Albert Brown, Everet Burks, Catherine Christofferson, Manual Corral, Mary Dean, Everett Felix, Robert Johnson, June Foreman, Doris Hess, Mary Heter, Robert Moisio, Gwendolyn Poll, Sylvia Rasmussen, Wilbert Rose, Martha Roth, Richard Schwab, Alice Sessions, Loyce Simmons, Gene Sperry, Gene Sudevant, Myrtle Springer, Jack Talbot, Mildred Wagner, Ruth Wagner, Betty Wickman, Nolan Yonkers, and Mike Lopez
Ravalli Republican, Thursday, May 28, 1936

Everything in Readiness for Opening Next Tuesday
Schedules Arranged and Assignments for Teachers Made; Four New Members in This Year’s Staff
Corvallis, September 3, 1936 - School will start September 8 for which everything is in readiness at the school building, where Tom Cooper, janitor, has been at work renovating interiors of rooms and fixtures for the three months Superintendent G.L. Blakeslee has been on the job of ten days preparing schedules and getting the school program planned.
    This year he will have eight of the old teaching staff to work with him and four new teachers. The new members of the faculty are Miss Jane La Munyan of Libby, who will have the first grade and who comes from the State Normal School at Dillon. She has had two years of previous teaching experience. Miss Doris Randall will have the sixth grade, coming as a graduate of the Eastern Montana Normal college at Billings. Miss Annie May will teach in the junior high department, taking the place of Mrs. B.H. Gibbs. She is a graduate of the University of Montana. George Norwood, graduate of the Valley City Teachers’ College in North Dakota, will teach in the high school.
    The schools will have a full day’s program the first day, Superintendent Blakeslee announced yesterday. In the high school the morning will be devoted in making schedules and payment of fees; the afternoon will have regular classes. This year grades six to 12 will have a 30-minute noon recess and school will close at 3:30 o’clock. Tentative plans for an orchestra are under way, with a period set aside for orchestra practice if enough interest is shown. Economic geography will be offered to freshmen since languages are offered only every other year. A course in general social science will be offered this year in place of community civics and vocations. With the community having an increase in population due to drought conditions in the eastern part of the state and the Dakotas, a capacity enrollment is expected, Mr. Blakeslee stated. Bus routes will remain as last year until it becomes necessary to change them.
    The teaching staff with classes are: First grade, Miss Jane LaMunyan; second grade, Miss Kathryn Weber; third grade, Miss Kathleen Holloron; fourth grade, Mrs. Hazel Cappious; fifth grade, Miss Rose Cutler; sixth grade; Miss Doris Randall; grades seven to twelve, Miss Annie Mayo, science, mathematics and girls’ athletics; Sam Cappious, social science; George Norwood, science, mathematics and athletics; Miss Katheryne Borg, English and music; Miss Ruth Whitlock, English and Latin; Miss Catherine Cesar, Commercial and Spanish.
Ravalli Republican, September 3, 1936

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1937: Harry Adams, Eugene Max Barr, Bruce Bryson, Doyle E. Dunbar, Vivian Felix, Gilbert Gander, Elenora Glenn, Carl Gustafson, Marjory Belle Heffner, George Horak, Alice Holloron, Ruth Hull, Frances James, Doris May Kane, Alice Lear, Laura Mattson, Raymond Zean Moore, Thomas Murphy, Gwendolyn Puyear, George Rummel, Pauline Sears, Harriet Snow, Helene Stoll, Carl Swanson, Jessie Weber, Alice White, Lorraine Wolffs

Fine Time Had at Corvallis High School Class of 1937 Reunion
    The members of the Corvallis High School senior class of 1937 held their 30-year reunion July 1st and 2nd. An open house at the George Rummel home on Daly Avenue at 4 p.m. Saturday started off the event. At 7 p.m. a banquet was served at the Grange Hall in Woodside. Ladies of the Corvallis Grange prepared and served the meal, and entertainment was furnished by the Corvallis Grange chorus. Following the chorus numbers, the evening was spent reminiscing and visiting.
    Saturday, July 2nd, the group gathered at the Medicine Springs for a picnic at the Ed Hornung cabin. Class members, spouses and former teachers attending the reunion numbered approximately forty.
    Class members attending were George Horak, Nutley, New Jersey; Pauline Sears Timm, Portland, Oregon; Lorraine Wolfs Moliter, Sheridan; Vivian Felix Beardslee, Kalispell; Ruth Hull Bay, Missoula; Gwen Puyear Powell, Stevensville; Jessie Weber Lovely, Alice Lear Wheeler, Harriet Snow Hornung, Carl Swanson, Helene Stoll Sager, Alice White Carmichael, George Rummel, Gilbert Gander, Corvallis-Hamilton area.
    Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bryson and Helen Fierce. Helen was in the class from 1st to 10th grade and moved to Hamilton for her last 2 years of high school. Former teachers present and grades taught Kathryn Keber - 1st grade; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cappious, Helena - 8th and 6th grade; Mrs. Donald Holloron (Ruth Whitlock) high school; Mr. and Mrs. George Blakeslee, Missoula, high school.
    Class members unable to attend were: Laura Mattson McPherson, Great Falls; Francis James Arnold, Portland; Doris Kane Flink, Warm Springs; Alice Holloron Hackney, Seattle; Marjory Hefner Wright, Hamilton; Bruce Bryson, Seattle; Harry Adams, Seattle; Raymond Moore, Milwaukee, Oregon; Ray Murphy, Corvallis. Deceased members are: Elenora Glenn, Doyle Dunbar, Max Barr and Carl Gustafson.
    This was the reunion of the class of ‘37. A similar event took place ten years ago. By unanimous approval, another reunion is scheduled for 1977.
The Western News, July 5, 1967, page 1

    Tuesday will be the beginning of the school year for all districts in Ravalli County. Corvallis is again led by George Blakeslee as superintendent. There will be four new members on the faculty this year. They are J. Gordon McDonald, who will teach history, Latin, and music; Miss Jean Clendenan for English and dramatics, Miss Elsie MacIntosh for commercial classes and girls' activities, and Miss Edith Clark, who is to teach the sixth grade. George Norwood returns as coach, and a new feature of the music department will be the school band, led by George Borchers. The grade teachers including Miss Clark, are Miss Kathryn Weber, Miss Jane LaMunyan, Miss Doris Randall, Miss Ethel Swanson, and Joseph Dickson.
Ravalli Republican, September 1, 1938

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1938: Ira R. Abbey, Sylvia Lee Bragg, Caroline Christoffersen, Milford Doty, George Estrada, Roy Gustafson, Lewis Hall, Roscoe Hall, Francis Haugen, Gene Hefner, Walter Hull, Jack Iman, Otis Keays, Elmer Kenck, Eugene Lovely, Grover Nielsen, Virginia Printz, Willard Rasmussen, Ruth Rummel, Ruth See, Rose Ella Sessions, Margaret Sheridan, Helen Walker

President of University Was Corvallis Speaker
American Legion Bestows Citizenship Medals on Rose Sessions and George Estrada at Program
Corvallis, May 18 - “This Changing World” was the theme of an address given by Dr. George Simmons, President of the University of Montana, at commencement exercises for the local high school graduating class. Dr. Simmons gave the young people a concise outline of modern world conditions to comparison to other generations.
    Rev. Ray Amos gave the invocations and benediction. Music numbers included vocal selections by Ben Anderson of Hamilton, accompanied by Miss Doris Randall, and numbers by the Girls’ Glee Club, with Lu Rea Cobb at the piano. Miss Catherine Raudabaugh played the processional and recessional marches.
    Citizenship awards made by the Corvallis American Legion post went to Rose Sessions for the girls and to George Estrada for the boys. The legion honors were conferred by the post commander, Dudley Bowden.
    Diplomas were awarded by H.H. Hull, chairman of the school board, to Ira Abbey, Sylvia Bragg, Caroline Christofferson, Milford Doty, George Estrada, Lewis Hall, Francis Haugen, Gene Hefner, Walter Hull, Jack Iman, Otto Keays, Elmer Kenck, Virginia Printz, Eugene Lovely, Grover Nielsen, Willard Rasmussen, Ruth Rummel, Ruth See, Rose Sessions, Margaret Sheridan, Helen Walker, Roy Gustafson and Roscoe Hall.
    The exercises took place at the school auditorium Wednesday evening. The senior class was presented by Superintendent George L. Blakeslee. Class day exercises were held by high school seniors Tuesday evening at the auditorium with a short program holding interest of a large audience. It consisted of the class song by the seniors; salutatory, Ruth See; class will, Lewis Hall; poem, Ruth Rummel; prophecy, Helen Walker; history, Walter Hull; grumbler, Jack Iman; giftatorian, Rose Sessions and Eugene Lovely; valedictory, Caroline Christofferson.
Ravalli Republican, May 19, 1938

High School Annual Given to Graduates
Corvallis, May 21 - A 20-page high school annual was distributed Wednesday to high school students, the publication having been made by Graves and Potters company. The annual staff was composed of G.L. Blakeslee, Catherine Cesar, teachers, and Gene Hefner, Walter Hull, Grover Nielsen, Lewis Hall, Helen Walker, Rose Ella Sessions, Ruth Rummel and Ruth See.
The Montana Standard, May 22, 1938

Citizenshiip Awards Are Made by Legion
Corvallis, May 21 - At high school commencement exercises held here Wednesday evening, citizenship awards were made by American Legion post No. 91 to Rose Ella Sessions and George Estrada and the Stte University scholarhip awared to Caroline Christofferson. Dudley F. Bowden, commander of post 91, presented the citizenship trophies. George L. Blakeslee, school superintendent awarded the scholarhip, stating that Miss Christofferson had led her class in the entire four-uear high school course.
    High school diplomas were presented by Roy R. Hull, school board chairman to Ira R. Abbey, Caroline Christofferson, George A. Estrada, Lewis E. Hall, Francis M. Haugen, Walter E. Hull, Elmer Casper Kenck, Eugene O. Lovely, Virginia M, Printz, Ruth M. Rummel, Ruth Esther See, Sylvia Lee Bragg, Milford G. Doty, Roy W. Gustafson, Paul Roscoe Hall, Gene W. Hefner, Jack L. Iman, Otis R. Keays, Grover W. Nielsen, Willard J. Rasmussen, Rose Ella Sessions, Margaret Sheridan, and Helen T. Walker.
    Eighth grade diplomas went to Doris Carmichael, Chester Chaffin, Myrtle Chaffin, Dorothy Dowd, Donald Edwards, Lois Fifield, Alvina Glantz, Virginia Goddard, Myron Hess, Jack Krout, Gene Lear, Jeanne Lockridge, Fern Rose, Mary Menager, Anna Roth, Edwin Roth, Georgia Scott, Velma Sessions, Marlene Smith, Ruth Springer, Lawrence Sheridan, Harold Vaughn, Lloyd White, John Whitesitt, Elsie Wickman and Betty Rissler.
The Montana Standard, May 23, 1938

Students Elect Class Officers
Student Body Heads Also Chosen in Balloting at Corvallis
Corvallis, September 17 - High school student body officers were elected the past week as follows: President, Vance Bay; vice-president, Nolan Younker; secretary, Reuben Brown; yell leaders, Kenneth Poll and Dorothy Adams.
    Classes also were organized. The seniors elected for president, Willis Foreman; vice-president, Edith Eggers; secretary, Wilma Foreman; treasurer, Dovie Ann Dye; council, Dorothy Adams, Russell Giesy; sponsor, George L. Blakeslee.
    Juniors: President, Everett Felix; vice-president, Bernadeen Dowd; secretary-treasurer, Albert Brown; council, Gwen Poll, Nolan Younker; sponsor, Albert Brown.
    Sophomores: President, Denise Estrada; vice-president, Reuben Brown; secretary, Walter Warden; treasurer, Esther Brown; council, Clara Simmons, Bob Talbot; sponsor, Jean Clendenan.
    Freshmen: President, Donald Edwards; vice-president, Dick Dowse; secretary, Dorothy Dowd; treasurer, Jean Lockridge; sponsor, J. Gordon McDonald.
    During the past week, there have been established a pep club, a girls’ glee club and physical culture class and a school band. School was dismissed Friday and pupils and teachers were in attendance at the Ravalli County fair.
Montana Standard, September 18, 1938

Letters, Numbers Given to Players
Corvallis, April 1 - Basketball letters were awarded eight high school boys and numerals were given to seven by Coach George A. Norwood before the student assembly recently.
    Boys getting letters were Vance Bay and Russell Geisy, seniors; Everett Felix, Nolan Younkers, Haner Buckmaster and Albert Brown, juniors; Reuben Brown, sophomore; and Donald Edwards, freshman.
    Numerals went to Richard Schwab, junior; George Wickmand and Lawrence Haas, sophomores; Edwin Roth, Joe Weber, John Albert Whitesitt, Harold T. Vaughn, freshmen.
Montana Standard, April 2, 1939

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1939
Corvallis, May 10 - The Corvallis High School will graduate the largest class in its history on May 18 when 28 seniors will be awarded diplomas at graduation exercises. They are: Doris M. Adams, Dorothy M. Adams, Edwin Vance Bay, Maxine L. Beck, Lois Marie Brooks, Leon Harvey Carman, Lucille F. Chaffin, Lu Rea Cobb, Dovie Ann Dye, Edith K. Eggers, Edna Lorene Felix, Willis Lyle Foreman, Wilma Gail Foreman, Nathaniel T. Garrard, Russell D. Giesy, Pauline V. Marquez, Marjorie Aileen Park, Kenneth L. Poll, Mildred O. Puyear, Leota Gene Poll, Edgar B. Scott, Roy L. Snell Jr, Margaret F. Sperry, Kathryn Amelia Treece, Charles Eugene Vining, Wilma M. Whitesitt, Lee Jean Warner, and Edward A. Zacha
    The class motto will be "It Matters Not How Long We Live, But How;" the colors, lavender and yellow, and the flower, the yellow rose. Baccalaureate services will be held Sunday evening at the school auditorium with Rev. Ray Ames delivering the sermon. Class night will be observed Monday evening. There will be no formal classes for the seniors after this week.
Ravalli Republican, May 11, 1939

Commencement Week Rites Held By Corvallis Seniors
Corvallis, May 20 - Commencement Week for a class of 28 seniors began with baccalaureate services Sunday evening at the school auditorium. Rev. T.B. Reagan, pastor of the Corvallis Methodist church, preached the sermon from the text “Remember Thy Creator in the Days of Thy Youth.” There was congregational singing of hymns and Mendelsohnn’s, “Lift Thine eyes,” sung by a quartet from the high school glee club.
    Monday evening, seniors enacted a court scene as they presented Class Nigh exercises, defending themselves from dismissal from the Corvallis school. Leon Carman was the judge and willis Foreman, class president, the bailiff. Sworn in as witnesses were Lu Rea Cobb, salutatorian; Vance Bay,historian; Edward Zacha, with the prophecy; Lois Brooks, with statistics; Russell Giesy, grumbler and Wilma Foreman, class poet. Nathaniel Garrard read the will and Doris and Dorothy Adams and Edith Eggers presented the farewell gifts. Dovie Ann Dye gave the valedictory and the scene ended with the class song
    At Commencement exercises Thursday evening, Dr. Ludvig Browman of Montana State University spoke upon “Education at the Crossroads.”  The high school band played the processional and recessional as 23 seniors in navy blue caps and gowns marched. Loyce Simmons sang “Sounds” and Lady Moon.” The class presented the school with a framed picture of its members and with a trophy case. Graduates were Wilma Foreman, Leon Carman, Dovie Dye, Edwin Vance Bay, Russell D. Giesy, Willis Foreman, Edward Zacha, Edgar Scott, Nathaniel Garrard, Roy L. Snell Jr, Eugene Vining, Wilma Whitesitt, Kathryn Treece, Maxine Beck, Margaret Sperry, Lee Jean Warner, Dorothy and Doris Adams, Edith Eggers, Mildred Puyear, Edna Felix, Lucille Chaffin, Leota Poll, Pauline Marquez, Marjorie Park, Lu Rea Cobb, Lois Brooks and Kenneth Poll.
    Diplomas were awarded to the following eighth-grade graduates: Robert Anderson, Leo Busenbark, Billy Coleman, Betty Crow, Helen Felix, Rosemary Foreman, John Gander, Emil Guse, Hilly Havel, Mildred Hathaway, James Kane, Frances Lairy, Russell Lairy, Robert Leicht, Loretta Menager, Billy Miller, Gene Morris, Marva Mae Morris, Harold McCollum, Leona Ost, Ellen Paddock, Norma Park, Robert Reader, Doris Reiwoldt, Junior Roberts, Jeannett Rose, Ernest Roth, Leonard Simmons, Bob Smyth, Farrell Snell, Mildred Skalrud, Delbert Stoll, Bess Delaney, Nama Dechaak, and Ormann Kranta. Joseph Dickson is the eighth-grade instructor.
Montana Standard, May 21, 1939

School is Ready; Corvallis Teachers on Hand For Term Beginning
Three New Members on Faculty; Eleven Men to Be Employed as Bus Drivers and Janitors
Corvallis, August 30 - Everything is in readiness for the opening of the Corvallis school on September 5, it has been announced by Lester Morris, clerk of the school board. The buildings have been thoroughly cleaned, some of the walls in class rooms and halls have been kalsomined, the outside casings of the windows at the high school building have been painted, and practically all of the furniture and doors have been varnished.
    Teaching positions are filled as follows: Superintendent, George I. Blakleslee; science and coaching, George Norwood; Gordon McDonald, Elsie McIntosh, Eloise Brown, all high school instructors; Joseph Dixon, eighth grade; Clyde Carrington, seventh grade; Edyth Clark, sixth grade; Ethel Swanson, fifth grade; Frances Hess, fourth grade; Doris Randall, third grade; Kathryn Weber, second grade; and Alice Hall, first grade.
    Coach Norwood arrived Friday from a trip with his bride to San Francisco and is arranging for an early start in football. Mr. Blakeslee is on the job this week after a vacation trip with his family to Kansas and Minnesota. Bus drivers under contract to convey some 300 children to school for the term are Dale Felix, Otto Bauer, R.L. Snell, S.E. Powell, James Pile, Dan Sutherland, and OW. and Clayton Jenkins. Tom Cooper will again be on the job as janitor, assisted by R.D. Giesy and Russell Giesy, who have the janitor work at the primary building. Last year  the total enrollment on the opening ay was 382. George Blakeslee will continue with leadership of the school band and Mr. McDonald will have the girls’ and boys’ glee club.
    There will be no changes in the bus routes for the beginning of the school year. Children will be expected to spend the whole day on Tuesday getting enrolled and starting on their first assignments.
    Miss Frances Hess will teach the fifth grade this year in place of Miss Josephine Erickson. Miss Alice Hall has been engaged to take the place of Miss Jane LaMunyan in the first grade. Miss Eloise Brown will teach in the high school in the place of Miss Jean Clendenan.
Ravalli Republican, August 31, 1939

Summer Vacation Is Ended For Corvallis Teachers, Children
Corvallis, September 2 - The Corvallis consolidated school organization got off to a good start Tuesday when summer vacations ended for 371 children, 14 teachers, six bus drivers and three janitors. Registration started at 9’ oclock. Classes were organized and the regular schedule started. At football practice, 27 boys were out in uniform. The enrollment by grades and the teachers follow: High school, 107; George L. Blakeslee, George A. Norwood, Gordon McDonald, Elsie McIntosh, Eloise Brown. First grade - 34, Alice Hall; second - 33, Kathryn Weber; third - 33, Doris Randall; fourth - 37, Ethel Swanson; fifth - 36, Frances Hess; sixth - 38, Edith Clark; seventh - 32, Clyde Carrintgon; eighth - 21, Joseph Dickson. The total enrollment in the grades of 264 is just two more than last year and the high school, with 107, is 13 less than 1938. George Borchers, who has the school band, held his first scheduled rehearsal Wednesday.
The Montana Standard, September 9, 1939

Council, Class Officers Named
Members of School Paper Staff Selected at Annual Election
Corvallis, September 16 - The Corvallis high school student body, with its second week of enrollment of 116, elected officers Monday, naming Albert Brown, president; Dorothy Dowd, secretary and Chester Chaffin and Marie Brown, yell leaders. The treasurer will be appointed by the class sponsor, George L. Blakeslee.
    Classes also were organized. The seniors elected for  president, Bernadeen Dowd; vice-president, Albert Brown; secretary, Richard Schwab; treasurer, Marie Barr; representatives, Stanley Eggers and June Foreman.
    Juniors: President, Reuben Brown; vice-president, Louise Smyth; secretary, Lucy Jane Boyer; treasurer, Denise Estrada; representatives, Walter Warden and Margaret Nielson.
    Sophomores: President, John Albert Whitesitt; Vice-president, Joe Weber; Secretary, Chester Chaffin; Treasurer, Dorothy Dowd; Representatives, Virginia Goddard and Donald Edwards.
Freshmen: President, James Kane; Vice-president, Rosemary Foreman; Secretary, John Gander, and Treasurer, Helen Felix.
    The Corvallis Echo staff was also chosen. Bernadeen Dowd will be editor, Richard Schwab, sports; Gene Sperry, production; Louise Smyth, assistant; Gilbert Warren, Mary Menager, Florence Wagner, art; Denise Estrada, humor; Harriet Jo Gander, June Foreman, Margaret Nielson, Doris Carmichael and James Kane, reporters. The paper will be mimeographed under the direction of Miss Eloise Brown, English teacher.
Montana Standard, September 17, 1939

Corvallis Roll of Honor Listed
Corvallis, April 20 - Of 27 high school students making the honor roll in the six-week period just closed, seven had records of straight A’s. The seven were Richard Schwab, Bernadeen Dowd, Louise Smyth, Dorothy Dowd, James Estrada, James Kane and John Gander. Others on the list were Albert Brown, June Foreman, Florence Kohler, Margaret Nielsen, Reuben Brown, Irene Draper, Harriet Jo Gander, Esther Brown, Lawrence Haas, Mary Menager, Bill Hagel, Lynn Wilcox, Helen Felix, and Gene Morris
Montana Standard, April 21, 1940

Corvallis School Activities Hold Commuinity’s Interest
Corvallis, April 20 - Spring activities in the Corvallis school is claiming the interest of the local public this month with the invitational track meet  leading in importance.
    Friday evening the juniors presented their class play, “Criss Cross,” a comedy in three short and snappy acts. Eleven students were in the cast and they were directed by Miss Elsie MacIntosh. Roles were taken by Clyde Rummel, Mary J. Johnson, Gilbert Warren, Louise Smyth, Lawrence Haas, Harriet Jo Gander, Roland Hull, Lucy Jane Boyer, George Wickman, Esther Brown, Margaret Nielsen, and Leonard Nygren.
    The school band gave a short concert before the play under the direction of George Borchers.
    Saturday the music instructor took 15 members of the girls’ glee club to Missoula to participate in the music meet, having entered a glee club group, a sextette and a soloist. Loyce Simmons was the soprano soloist and others in the groups were Helen Felix, Marie Hegge, Florence Kohler, Gene Morriis, Helen Roth, Matilda Kohler, Mary Meneger, Georgia Scott, Velma Sessions, Florence Wickham, Doris Hess, Margaret Nielson, Sylvia Rasmussen, Louise Smyth, and Kay Lockridge.
    The junion-senior prom is the next social affair to start the graduation program. Then follows the one-act play contest in which the local school which will enter “The Mouse Trap,” the county track meet at Hamilton and the tennis meet in Stevensville.
Montana Standard, April 21, 1940

Senior Play Pleases. Richard Schwab Plays Title Role in "The Henpecked Husband; Baccalaurate Service Sunday
Corvallis, May 8 - "The Henpecked Husband: was portrayed by Richard Schwab in the senior class play presented before a large audience Thursday evening at the auditorium. Schwab was assisted in the play by Bernadeen Dowd, June Foreman, Doris Hess, Haner Buckmaster, Loyce Simmons, Everett Felix, Orvin Skolrud, Gwen Poll, Sylvia Rasmussen, Catherine Christofferson and Stanley Eggers. The three-act comedy was directed by George Blakeslee. After the show, the players were entertained at lunch in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blakeslee.
    The commencement program will start Sunday with the baccalaureate sermon in the evening at the school auditorium. Rev. Daniel Corbett will preach the sermon and there wil be special music. Class night exercises will be next Wednesday evening and the commencement entertainment will be May 16.
Ravalli Republican, Thursday, May 9, 1940

24 To Graduate In Corvallis Class: Exercises Tonight in Corvallis Gym
    A class of 24 will receive their diplomas as graduates of Corvallis High School tonight in a ceremony which will be held in the high school gymnasium at Corvallis starting at 8 o'clock. Members of the class are: John S. Ashby, Marie J. Barr, Albert A. Brown, George Haner Buckmaster, Catherine M. Christoffersen, Bernadeen Lorraine Dowd, Stanley T. Eggers, Everett C. Felix, June Rose Foreman, Doris Arlene Hess, Bob E. Johnson, Florence M. Kohler, Matilda Kohler, Lela Gwen Poll, Sylvia Rasmussen, Richard C. Schwab, Loyce L. Simmons, Orvin A. Skolrud, Eugene Sperry, Myrtle L. Springer, Chester Eugene Sturdevant, Jack L. Talbot, Kenneth G. Talbot, Nolan M. Younkers.
    The program includes the processional played by the Corvallis school band; Invocation by Rev. D.C. Corbett; Music by a girls sextette and band; An address by Dr. R.L. Housman of the University of Montana at Missoula; Song by the Corvallis glee club; Scholarship awards by Superintendent George Blakeslee; Award of diplomas by Roy Hull, chairman of the school board; Benediction by Rev. Corbett; Recessional by Gordon MacDonald; Citizenship awards by Corvallis Post No. 91 American Legion.
The Western News, May 16, 1940

School time ends
Twenty-six Eighth Graders Awarded Diplomas
Corvallis, Dominick and Hamilton Heights Close Schoolhouse Doors Friday for Summer Vacation
Corvallis, May 22 - Twenty-six boys and girls received eighth grade diplomas Thursday evening at the high school commencement exercises. Joseph Dickson was the eighth grade teacher. The elementary graduates took part in the processional and they received their diplomas from R.R. Hull, chairman of the school board. They were: Addleen Bosket, William Brown, Violet Chaffin, Dick Edwards, Agnes Coleman, Glenn Eggers, Vera Heckathorn, Albert Johnson, Donald Kerr, Terry Kerr, Jerry Lemon, Leonard Krout, Dee McKinney, Francs Mickens, Jack Morris, Albert Ost, Robert Paddock, Elaine Rasmussen, Rolla Riley, Alfred Simmons, Bonnie Schram, Mary Thompson, Dorothy Smyth, Kenneth Swanson, Mildred Vining, Betty Zeiler.
    The Corvallis school closed Friday when pupils were returned for an hour to receive final reports and to turn in library supplies. A total of 380 youngsters were released for the summer vacation, of which 118 were high school students. The community house and the Methodist church annex were vacated and turned back to the use of the public after the first and second grades had been dismissed. The two groups have been housed there since March 1 when the primary building project started.
    The Hamilton Heights school closed Friday and the teacher, Miss Muriel MacNiel, left Monday to return to her home at Kalispell. The Etna school celebrated its closing with two picnics, the first last Wednesday when the four lower grades were taken to Greenough park in Missoula for the day by their teacher, Miss Edna Johnson, and their parents. The upper grades enjoyed Friday with their teacher, Mrs. Erna Schweitzer, and Miss Johnson.
    The Dominick school, one of the most remote in the valley, was closed Friday by Miss Sadie Whitney, when she returned to her home at Hamilton.
Ravalli Republican, May 23, 1940

Two Teachers Hired
Miss Elsie McIntosh Leaves Vacancy in Corvallis Schools
Primary Building Nears Completion
Corvallis, July 22 - Teachers for the fifth and sixth grades in the local school were elected Saturday evening by the school board. They were Miss Ruth Hora, who is attending the State Normal College at Dillon and Miss Bernice Johnson, who is taking summer work at the University of Montana. The resignation of Miss Elsie MacIntosh, who had been commercial teacher in the high school for two terms was accepted. The position has not as yet been supplied. The board expressed itself  as well satisfied with progress of the primary building project. The brick veneer will be completed within a few days. Air conditioning and plumbing systems have been installed and the interior wall finishing and the laying of the hard wood floors are well under way.
Ravalli Republican, July 25, 1940

Corvallis Schools Have 392 Students
Corvallis, September 8 - First day enrollment in the Corvallis consolidated school was 392, of which 280 were grade pupils and 112 high school students. The second grade, with 26, had the smallest number and the first grade, with 41, the largest. The year, which started Tuesday, began very auspiciously.
    The new steel buses arrived on schedule over their newly adjusted routes to bring in the rural children. The new building was ready for the first four grades and the high school building has been repainted, the interior refinished and everything in order for the four upper grades and the high school classes.
    All teachers were here for a meeting on Monday afternoon. Six of them are new this year. The staff includes Alice Hall, Kathryn Weber, Frances Hess of Corvallis, Ethel Swanson of Anaconda, Bernice Johnson of Fredonia, ND, Ruth Horn of Windham, Frances H. Marsh of Roy, Joseph Dickson of Geyser, George L. Blakeslee of Corvallis, Alan Oliver, who transferred from Darby; Gordon MacDonald of Victor, Jane Berland of Bozeman, Lela Shepherd of Brady, and George Borchers of Hamilton.
    Football got off to a flying start. The 28 boys who showed an interest had signed up a week earlier and two squads had been in training for a week under Coach Oliver. The school will have its first holiday on September 13 when the football team meets other valley elevens for a round-robin game at the Ravalli County Fair.
The Montana Standard, September 9, 1940

Corvallis Girl To Make Trip; Margaret Nielsen will Attend Meet
Corvallis, January 25, 1941 - Margaret Nielsen, a senior, was chosen to represent the Corvallis high school in competition for the pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Miss Nielsen was chosen for dependability, service, leadership and patriotism.
    The second semester school started Monday, with a better attendance than for several weeks, due to an epidemic of influenza that had 90 pupils out in a single day. Classes went on as best they could and only a few had to be slighted.
    Items of interest in the school included the awarding of football letters to 14 high school boys,the awards made by Coach Clan Oliver to the seniors Reuben Brown, Bob Talbot, Bob Brooks, Lawrence Haas, Leonard Nygren, and Cliff Anderson; the juniors, Don Edwards, Joe Weber, Eddie Roth, Lloyd White and Myron Hess; a sophomore, Jimmie Kane and the freshmen, dick Edwards and Bill Brown.
    The glee club was reorganized with Louise Smyth as president and Margaret Nielsen secretary-treasurer.
Montana Standard, January 26, 1941

   The Corvallis consolidated school will close for the year on May 23 with commencement activities starting with baccalaureate service Sunday evening, May 18. The Rev.John H. Bartrom, pastor of the Corvallis Methodist church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. He will be assisted by the Rev. D.A. Corbett and there will be congregational singing and special music. High school diplomas will be awarded to 26 seniors in the school auditorium at 8 p.m., May 20.

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1941: Ruth Louise Smyth, Valedictorian; Margaret May Nielsen, Salutatorian; Betty Beck, Lucy Jane Boyer, Robert (Bob) L. Brooks, Esther Brown, Reuben Brown, June Rose Chaffin, Lucille Irene Draper, Denise M. Estrada, Harriet Jo Gander, Lawrence C. Haas, Verne Dale Hegge, Roland H. Hull, Mary Jean Johnson, Alice C. Keays, Jack Litzinger, Mary Kay Lockridge, Althea Leone Murphy, Leonard A. Nygren, J. Clyde Rummel, Helen M. Roth,  Clara Elain Simmons,  Jane VanBuren, Florence E. Wagner, and Gilbert W. Warren.
    The commencement address will be given by Attorney Russell E. Smith, Missoula, upon the subject, "The Responsibility of Citizenship." Monday evening the seniors will have their play night,, when members of the class will demonstrate their originality in class statistics, class will, history, poem, and song. Louise Smyth will give the valedictory and Margaret Nielsen, the salutatory. The class has chosen red, white and blue for their colors and the American Beauty rose for class flower. The motto is "Out of the Harbor, Into the Deep."
Ravalli Republican, May 15, 1941
Corvallis high school graduating class of 1942:  Lorraine Bratten, Doris Carmichael, Myrtle Chaffin, Donald Edwards, Betty Litzinger Haugen, Beverly Heckathorn, Catherine Heckathorn, Edward Heckathorn, Edward Ross, Myron Hess, Jack Krout, Gene Ennis Lear, Jeanne Lockridge, Bill Mayer, Mary Menager, Anna Roth, Ruth Springer, Bob Talbot, Elsie Tietz, Harold Vaughn, Joe Weber, Lloyd White, Elsie Vickman.

Corvallis Seniors Receive Diplomas
Corvallis, May 13 - Twenty three Corvallis high school students received their diplomas at commencement exercises in the school gymnasium tonight. Dr. Ernest Melby, president of Montana State University delivered the principal dress. The program opened with the processional played by LuRea Cobb followed by two musical numbers by the high school glee club under the direction of Miss Emma Quast. Two musical selections by the high school octette were accompanied by Carol Chaffin and two vocal solos were given by Carol Chaffin accompanied by Miss Cobb.
    George L. Blakeslee, superintendent of schools, presented the senior class to Paul Lear, chairman of the school board, who in turn presented each member with his diploma. The Corvallis American Legion post presented citizenship awards to May Menager and Jack Krout. A scholarship was awarded Mary Menager, valedictorian.
    Diplomas went to Mary Menager, Doris Carmichael, Catherine Heckathorn, Beverly Heckathorn, Edward Heckathorn, Don Edwards, Edward Roth, Robert Talbot, Joe Weber, Harold Vaughn, Myrtle Chaffin, Elsie Teitz, Elsie Wickman, Gene Lear, Jean Lockridge, Ruth Springer, Lorraine Bratton, William Mayer, Anna Roth, Jack Krout, Lloyd White, Myron Hess, Betty Haugen.
Class Day Program
    Class day exercises were held Monday evening. A take-off of a rural school room with Elsie Teitz as teacher provided the theme. The students gave the following program: Valedictory, Mary Menager; salutatory, Geverly Heckathorn; statistics, Myron Hess; will, Jean Lockridge; prophecy, Doris Carmichael; grumbler, Myrtle Chaffin; poem, written and read by Betty Haugen; son written by Georgia Scott and sung by the class. Each member was given ahumorous gift by the giftatorian.
Baccalaurette services were held in the gymnasium Sunday evening. The minister in charge was the Reb. D.A. Corbett, assisted by the Rev. J.W. Bartram. The prelude was played by Miss LuRea Cobb followed by the Doxology, invocation, congregation singing. The scripture was ready by Rev. Bartram and a special number was rendered by the young people’s choir of the United Church, Mrs Corbett sang a solo and the congregation was led in prayer by Rev. Bertram. The sermon given by Rev. Corbett was “Remembering God in Youth”
Ravalli Republican, May 14, 1942   

Four New Teachers On Corvallis Staff
Corvallis - Four new teachers will join the Corvallis school faculty this fall. They are Edgar Bassford, Chester, coach and history instructor of the high school, who will take Alan Oliver’s place; Marvin Tilden, Sheridan, Wyoming, who attended Montana State University this summer and will will teach the seventh grade, replacing Howard Marsh, who will fill the eighth grade vacancy recently made by Joe Dickson; Miss Clarine Moore, who taught at Hamilton Heights the past year, will come from Missoula to teach the third grade, and Mrs. Marjorie Bowen, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Ralph Arnold, Missoula, will fill the English vacancy in the high school. Miss Lela Shepherd taught English the past term.
Ravalli Republican, July 16, 1942

Saturday School to Be Discontinued
    Corvallis, March 29 - The Corvallis schools held regular classes the two past Saturdays and the attendance was good, but because too many students are needed to work on the farms this season of the year, there will be no more Saturday school this spring. School will close May 22.
    School hours have been changed from 10 until 4:30 to 9 to 3:30. The Rev. Earl Saladen, Hamilton, has been named the history teacher in place of Mrs. Edna Croonenberghs, who resigned. Mrs. C.F. Schwab filled the vacancy last week
Ravalli Republican, April  1, 1943

High school graduating class of 1943:
James Robert Anderson, William P. Coleman, Jean Elaine Davidson, Duane Ervin, Helen M. Felix, John E. Gander, William R. Hagel, James Kane (Valedictorian), Frances Lairy, Helena Gene Morris (Salutatorian), Marva Mae Morris, Harold L. McCollum, Robert Smyth, Lillian Mae Snyder, Lynn Wilcox, Joan Lucille Zeller.

    The annual Baccalaureate sermon was given Sunday evening by the Rev. John. W. Bartram from the Methodist Church of corvallis. The title of the address being “Gateway to Learning.” The invocation was given by J. Lloyd Lamb of the united Church. Music was furnished by the Girls Glee Club accompanied and directed by Marvin Tilden. The procession and recessional were played by Lu Rea Cobb. The benediction was by Rev. Bartram.

Commencement Exercises
    Commencement exercises will be held Thursday, May 20, for the graduating class of 1943.  Dean Walter A. Anderson, of the University of Montana will be the speaker of the evening. Only fourteen students will graduate this year from Corvallis. Two class members, Robert Anderson and Harold McCollum, have received their diplomas in advance, because it was impossible for them to be present. This class is the smallest in many years.
Corvallis Echo, May 20, 1943

Class of 1943 History
    In the first grade, Mrs. Wilford was our teacher. The only ones that have gone to Corvallis school for the full 12 years are: Jim Kane, Bob Smyth, Frances Lairy, John Gander, and Helen Felix. Mr. Lasiter was then the school principal. The second grade with Miss Hansen as our teacher. In the third grade, Gene Morris joined the class. Mrs. Gibbons, then Miss Holloron, was our teacher. Mr. Blakeslee came to Corvallis as principal.
    In the fourth grade, our teacher was Mrs. Brisbin. The fifth year of school saw Mrs. Haas, then Miss Cutler as our teacher, and Harold McCollum entering the class. Two new students came in the sixth grade, Billy Hagel and Robert Anderson, with Miss Randall as our teacher.  In the seventh grade, Billy Coleman joined us and Miss Erickson was our teacher. Miss Raudabaugh taught us music and English. Mr. Dickson was our eighth grade teacher, with Mr. Carrington teaching art. Marva Mae Morris joined the class ranks.
    When we were freshmen, Lynn Wilcox and Joan Zeller came to the class. Mr. MacDonald was our History and Latin teacher. Mr. Norwood was our science teacher and Mr. Blakeslee the Algebra teacher. Miss MacIntosh was the girls’ athletic  teacher. Miss Brown was the English teacher and also our sponsor. Our Sophomore year, Miss Shepherd came as the English teacher. Mr. Blakeslee was the business Arithmetic teacher. Miss Berland was the Geometry teacher and Mr. oliver came as the science teacher and coach. Mr. MacDonald kept the same places as before. Jean Davidson and Lillian Snyder entered the class and Joan Zeller left. Miss Shepherd was our class sponsor.
    Joan Zeller came back our Junior year and Doane Ervin joined the class. Miss Shepherd was our English teacher and class sponsor again. Mr. Oliver the history teacher, Miss Berland our typing and Miss Quast the science teacher.
    And last, but not least, the senior year. Mr. Blakeslee was our Civics and International Relations teacher and class  sponsor. Miss Quast is still the science teacher. Miss Berland our typing, bookkeeping, and shorthand teacher. Mrs. Bowen the English teacher. Mrs. Croonenberghs and Mr. Saladin the the sociology and economics teacher
Corvallis Echo, May 20, 1943

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1944
Joan Carroll, Agnes Coleman, Dorothy DeBree, Dick Edwards, Vera Heckathorn, Albert Johnston, Leonard Krout, Jerry Lemon, Jack Morris, Elaine Rasmussen, Martyn Richards, Bonnie Schram, Dorothy Smyth, Kenneth Swanson, Mildred Vining, Dwight Younkers.
Don Kerr, Albert Simmons, Bill Brown and Francis Mickens joined the military prior to graduation.
Troy Dee McKinney

17 To Graduate at Corvallis
    Baccalaureate services will be held Sunday night, class night program Monday night and commencement exercises Tuesday night in the high school auditorium for 17 Corvallis High School seniors. Dr. E.O. Melby, president of the University of Montana, will be the commencement speaker. His topic will be "Post War Opportunities for Young People."
    Members of the graduating class are: Doris Applebury, Laura Jane Brown, Carol Chaffin, Walter F. Engler Jr, Wesley Gander, Dick M. Goddard (in service),  Leland Virgil Grover Jr, Myrtle V. Heckathorn, Charles Lee Lear, Shirley M. Lockridge, John V. Marquez, Barbara L. Puyear, Mabel Roth, Donald Rummel, Lois Tower, Warren Robert Wilkerson, Ross R. Zeller.
    The Commencement program: Processional, LuRea Cobb, invocation, Rev. E.M. Ferguson, glee club numbers, "United We Are Forever," Summer Winds Blow," under the direction of Cora McCormick; address, Dr. Melby; vocal solos, "Homing" and "Gypsy Love Song," by Carol Chaffin accompanied by LuRea Cobb, scholarship awards, Superintendent George L. Blakeslee; citizenship award by Corvallis Post No. 91, American Legion; awarding of diplomas, Paul Lear, chairman of the schoolboard; benediction, Rev. E.M. Ferguson.
Ravalli Republican, May 18, 1945

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1946
    Commencement week at Corvallis High School began Sunday May 19th with the baccalaureate services in the school gymnasium auditorium, with the Rev. Edward M. Ferguson giving the sermon. Senior class night was held Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. and the graduation exercises will be tonight, May 23rd at 8 o'clock.
    The commencement program follows: processional, Mrs. Winifred Brisbin; Invocation, Rev. Edward M. Ferguson; "Indian Love Call," By the Waters of Minnetonka," high school glee club; address: "Wanted - A National Youth Policy," Dr. Paul Meadows, associate professor of sociology and economics, Montana State University; scholarship awards, George B. McMillan; citizenship awards: Corvallis Post 91, American Legion, Glenn Chaffin, vice commander; presentation of class: George McMillan; awarding of diplomas, Ingward Nordheim; benediction, Rev. Edward M. Ferguson.
    Twenty-three seniors will receive diplomas: Merry L. Chaffin, Virginia M. Chaffin, Robert C. Erickson, G. Ellwood Grissom, James E. Hagel, Patricia D. Hayden, Alma Marie Heckathorn, David S. Huls, Ernest F. Johnson, Herbert C. Kent, Lois Morris, Joan Rasmussen, James H. Richards, Cecelia C. Riley, Eleanor G. Ross, Josephine L. Ruffato, Darleen Silvey, Lillie E. Staphani, Robert D. Stewart, Hodet D. Thomas, Madonna E. Tilton, Lois A. Wilcox, Lucille Stephani.
    Officers of the graduating class at Corvallis are: Hodet Thomas, president; Ernest Johnson, vice president; Lois Morris, secretary-treasurer. The class motto is "Strive to Better Our Best," the class flower is the talisman rose and the colors are blue and silver.
The Western News, May 23, 1946

About 20% Corvallis Students on First Honor Roll For This School Year
    With 23 names on the Corvallis high school honor roll for the first period, approximately 20% of the students' names appear. Freshmen and Sophomore boys are noticeably absent.
Freshmen: Mary Fierce, Donna Sutherland, Alice Thomas, Leola Tilton
Sophomores: Madge Cole, Betty Hecker,Janet Johnston, Joan Nordheim
Juniors: Shirley Chaffin, Edwin Leibel, Florence Hecker, Shirley Miller, Buddy Pile, Alfred Simmons, Leona Wilson
Seniors: Mary Ann Blazich, Betty Clark, Albert Grissom, Bill Grover, Vivian Heckathorn, Jack Lamoreaux, Helen McKillop, Ronnie Rasmussen
The Western News, October 30, 1947

    Activities for commencement week at Corvallis High School will open with baccalaureate services Sunday at 8 p.m. in the high school. The Rev. Walter B. Spaulding of the First Methodist Church, Missoula, will speak on "The Power to Become." Scripture reading, prayer, invocation and benediction will be given by Rev. E.D. Swisher. The high school glee club will sing "Softly and Tenderly" and the congregation will sing "Faith of Our Fathers." The processional and recessional will be played by Mrs. Winifred Brisbin.
    R.P. Struckman, associate professor of journalism at the University of Montana, will speak at the 36th annual commencement program at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the high school. His topic will be "A Place in the Sun." Presentation of the class will be made by Superintendent George McMillan and diplomas will be awarded to 20 graduates by Ingward Nordheim.
    Scolarship awards will be made by Superintendent McMillan and citizenship awards by Glenn Chaffin, commander of the local American Legion post. Mrs. Helen Micka will present the essay award for the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary and Mrs. H.E. Fierce the essay award for the American Legion auxiliary.
    "Bells of St. Mary's" and "The Slumber Song" will be sung by the high school glee club. Mrs. Brisbin will play the processional and Edward M. Ferguson will give the invocation and benediction. Marshals for the exercises will be Bill Gander and Irene Goddard.
    Class night will be held Monday. Officers of the class are Ioune Roberts, President; Barbara Lindsey, vice president; Amylee Rockafellow, secretary-treasurer. The class colors are black and gold and the flower is the yellow carnation. "We've Crossed the Bay, the Ocean Lies Before Us" is the motto.

High school graduating class of 1947:
Robert Heidt, Florentina Jobe, Barbara Joslyn, Marcia Kent, Maxine Korman, Vivian Liebel, Barbara Lindsey, Evelyn Lundberg, Keith Nordheim, Bill Richards, Gordon Sears, Dennis Simonson, Lawrence Simonson, Marvin Snyder, Jess Suarez, Lois Swanson, LaVerne Thomas, and Russell Thomas.
    Requirements were completed in military service by William Brown, Everett Flint, Dorrance Johnston, and Lawrence Johnston.
Ravalli Republican, May 23, 1947

Corvallis Graduation Exercises Wednesday
    "America's Greatest Bargain: Education" is the topic of the address to be delivered by Dr. Harold D. Fleming of the University of Montana at the Corvallis High School commencement exercises at 8:15 p.m. Wesnesday in the gymnasium. The senior class will be presented by Superintendent George McMillan and the diplomas will be awarded by Ingward Nordheim. The citizenship awards of the Corvallis American Legion post No. 91 will be presented by Alan Oliver and other scholarship awards by Mr. McMillan. Rev. Roger Robison will give the invocation and benediction and Mrs. Lyle Forrest will play the processional and recessional. Other music will include "This is My Country" and Braham's Lullaby sung by the girls glee club, and "The Rosary" by the senior quintette.
    Graduates are: Chris Blazich, Mary Ann Blazich, Birney Brown, Robert Brown, Dorris Bylund, Patricia Chaffin, Betty Clark, Alice Erickson, Bill Gander, Albert Grisson, Bill Grover, Janice Heckathorn, Vivian Heckathorn, Duane Hegge, Jean Heidt, Tom Jenkins, Jack Lamoreaux, Denna Manis, Helen McKillop, Barbara Miller, Marion Nordheim, Jerry Puyear, Joe Roth, Pete Roth, Ronnie Rasmussen, Harry Stewart, Sande Suarez, Dale Mahlum,    
 Other Senior Activities: Rev. Roger Robison delivered the address at the baccalaureate services Sunday evening in the school. Class night exercises were held Monday evening.
    Forty-two juniors and seniors, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Micka and Mr. and Mrs. McMillan, took their annual three-day trip last week. This year the destination was Spokane, Washington. The group left Thursday morning and returned Saturday evening. One of the highlights of the trip was a conducted tour across the Grand Coulee dam and through the power installation. The party then went down through Dry Falls and Soap Lake before returning to Spokane. A picnic at St. Regis, shows, a visit to the amusement park and other points were included in the activities. Mr. McMillan said the group was fortunate in avoiding the bad storms but that they were delayed in Missoula until permission was granted to travel over Highway 10.
Ravalli Republican, May 25, 1948

Corvallis Schools To Open September 1; To Close For Ravalli Fair, September 9, 10, 11
    The Corvallis Schools will open for the fall term of school on Wednesday, September 1st. Three days of school the first week, two more sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 7th and 8th will provide a week’s work before the Ravalli County Fair. School will not be in session Labor Day, September 6th, nor during the fair. The school term will close May 27th.
    The Corvallis teaching staff has been almost completed by three new teachers in the system. Mrs. Helen Marsh of Corvallis has accepted a contract to teach the sixth grade. She has worked with the Corvallis Schools doing substitute teaching frequently and comes with five years of teaching experience in Powell and Cascade Counties in Montana. She is a graduate of the State Normal College at Dillon and studied at the Montana State University this summer.
    Mr. Vern Mayo will coach high school athletics and teach manual training. He is a graduate of Montana State College at Bozeman with special training in industrial arts at Oregon State College. Recently discharged from military service, he comes from Wallace, Idaho, with a total of ten years of teaching and coaching experience, mostly in Montana schools.
    Miss Pauline Feldman comes from Baltimore, MD, where she taught for several years. She is a graduate of Goucher College  with major in science. She will teach high school science and girls’ physical education.
    Two other teachers attended the Montana State University this summer. Mrs. Helen Micka used the time to work out plans for the high school library and to study the state guidance program. Mrs. Edna Thomas studied methods and problems in teaching beginning reading and reading-readiness.
    Other members of the teaching staff include Mrs. Edna Thomas, 1st grade; Mrs. Evelyn Gaines, combination 1st and 2nd grade; Miss Kathryn Weber, 2nd grade; Mrs. Kathleen Gibbons, 3rd grade; Miss Lois Scalf, combination 3rd and 4th grade; Mrs. Dale Felix, 4th grade; Mrs. Winifred Brisbin, 5th grade; Mrs. Fred Hanson, 7th grade; Mr. Howard Marsh, 8th grade. High School: Mrs. Vera Forrest, commercial subjects; Mrs. Helen Micka, English and library; Mrs. Virginia Peterson, Mathematics and home economics. Mr. Tom Cooper and Mr. J. Marti with the help of two high school boys will continue to care for the buildings. George B. McMillan will continue as superintendent.
    Yet to be filld is the position as instructor in history and social science and boys physical education. Alan Oliver, who has filled that position, resigned Tuesday morning.
The Western News, August 12, 1948

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1949: Dorothy Bylund, Shirley Chaffin, Jean Davis, Charles Greenup, Mary Ann Grover, Florence Hecker, George Hecker, Alvina Heidt, Donna Houston, Joseph Jobe, Irmgard Kaiser, Edwin Leibel, Shirley Miller, Daisy Perry, Buddy Pile, Jennie Richards, Eddie Ross, Fern Ross, Lillian Roth, Louise Roth Lamoreaux, William Stephani, Lowell Thomas, Leona Wilson, Phil Wood

Corvallis Ready For Commencement Next Week Will Be Full Of Action
Commencement week in the Corvallis HIgh School will feature baccalaureate service on Sunday, May 22, in the school gymnasium auditorium at 8 p.m. Class night is scheduled for Monday the 23rd, and commencement Wednesday, May 25. The eight grade class will receive their certificates at a special ceremony at 2 p.m. on Friday, May 27. School closes on Tuesday, May 31.
    The baccalaureate service will consist of the processional, played by Joan Nordheim, “Liebestraum,” by Franz List and “At the Hour of Prayer,” by Carl Bohm sung by the high school glee club, and the scripture, prayer and sermon by Rev. Roger Robison.
    The Commencement program will include the processional played by Tom Miller, “My Task” by E.L. Ashford, and “I Heard a Forest Praying” by Peter de Rose, sung by the high school Glee club under the direction of Mrs. Vera Forrest; the address “Democracy Faces the Challenge of Communism” by Herbert J. Wunderlick, dean to students and professor of education at Montana State University, scholarship awards by Superintendent George B. McMillan, Citizenship awards by the Legion Post No. 91, and the diplomas will be awarded by Otto Quast, chairman of the board of school trustees.
    Marshals for the occasion are Ellen Riley and Bill Frost. Class officers are: president, Bill Stephani; vice president, Phil Wood; se secretary, Jean Davis; and treasurer, Shirley Miller. The class flower is the yellow rose; the motto, “Out of the Harbor, Into the Deep.”
    Twenty four students will receive diplomas: Dorothy Bylund, Shirley Chaffin, Jean Davis, Charles Greenup, Mary Ann Grover, Florence Hecker, George Hecker, Alvina Heidt, Donna Houston, Joseph Jobe, Irmgard Kaiser, Edwin Leibel, Shirley Miller, Daisy Perry, Buddy Pile, Jennie Richards, Eddie Ross, Fern Ross, Lillian Roth, Louse Roth Lamoreaux, William Stephani, Lowell Thomas, Leona Wilson, and Phil Wood.
The Western News, May 19, 1949

Corvallis Grade School Ends For Class of 34 At May Ceremony
    Thirty four students of the Corvallis schools were presented with Eighth Grade diplomas at a ceremony in the high school auditorium Friday, May 27th. The Junior High school girls Glee Club presented several songs under the direction of Mrs. Brisbin. William Sagin talked to the class about goals in life and the steps necessary to reach one’s goals, and Superintendent McMillan presented the diplomas. Many parents were present for the program.
    The graduates were: Keith Chaffin, Rodney Cole, Donald Dahlke, Darrel Erickson,  Dan Hecker, David McConnell, Phil Richards, Bennie Miller, Gordon Roth, Calvin Stanley, Henry Suarez, Earl Vercruyssen, Sonny Wilson, Dorothy Baber, Denny Black, Dorothy Erickson, Shirley Gates, Sandra Goddard, Tillie Hecker, Barbara Hicks, Faye Iverson, Irene Iverson, Edith McMillan, Mary Lou Meeser, Patricia Riley, Rose Standley, Beverly Stiner, Patsy Wilcox, Louise Zacha, Byrlie Lee Longtine, Ora Mae Wood, Sally Sylvester, Agnes Norbury, Larry Smith.
The Western News, June 2, 1949

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1950:Madge Lucille Cole, Ethelyn Fay Dye, George Lawrence Dye, William W. Frost, Ina Rose Greenup, Pearl Irene Grissom, Wilma B. Kaiser, Robert Andrew Miller, Thomas William Miller, Joan Vera Nordhein, Eleanor I. Paddock, Ellen Margaret Riley, Lawrence Ruffato, Hope Stanley, Robert Dewey Stephani, Gabriel M. Suarez, Raymond Tintzman, Wayne Tower

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1951:Beverly Babock, Glenn Chaffin Jr, Evelyn Dye, Mary Fierce, Millard Gallup, Antonia Heidt, Courtney Kirlin, Beverly Korman, Juanita McGinnis, Donald Murphy, Rex Paddock, Earl Perry, Donald Priest, Clifford Richards, Eugene Rolland, Josephine Roth, Lillian Ruffato, William Severns Jr, Roberta Stephani, Donna Sutherland, Alyce Thomas, Leola Tilton

Corvallis School Faculty Complete
Corvallis - Superintendent Lloyd LaFond has announced that the Corvallis public schools will open September 4. High school registration will be Thursday and Friday, August 30 and 31 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In accordance with the rules set up by the Corvallis school system, any child entering the first grade must have had his sixth birthday on or before September 30.
All faculty vacancies have been filled new members joining the staff will be Walter Iverson, commercial; Douglas Leighton, history, social science, and assistant coach; Robert Holton, mathematics, science, physical education and coach; Clarence Norwood, music director; Mrs. Clarence Norwood, home economics and art; and Raymond Bracy, seventh grade. Other members returning in the high school are Douglas Davies, principal, Spanish and Industrial arts; Mrs. Helen Micka, English and journalism; and Phil Bratton, vocational agriculture.
    Members returning to the elementary school are: Mrs. Edna Thomas, grade one; Mrs. Evelyn Gaines, grades one and two; Kathryn Weber, grade two; Mrs. Kathy Gibbons, grade three; Mrs. Lois Gates, grades three and four; Mrs. Mildred Felix, grade four; Mrs. Winfred Brisbin, grade five; Mrs. Helen Marsh, grade six; Mrs. Mabel Hanson, grades six and eight; and Russell Bay, grade eight.
    The school lunch program will be in operation the first day of school under the direction of Mrs. Hazel Babcock and her assistants. The cost will be 20 cents per meal.
Ravalli Republican, August 15, 1951

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1952:Gayle Anfinson, Ben Ayers, Robert Busenbark, Billie Ann Chaffin, Mary Ruth Gregg, Alvin Guse, Sharon Hamer, Marie Hendrick, Lee Jenkins, Isabelle Jobe, Yvonne Kaphammer, Floyd Luedecke, James Matthews, Barbara McKillop, Neil McMillan, Duane Miller, Colleen Murphy, Pat Overturf, Georgia Polson, Darrell Rasmussen, Kenneth Ross, Evon Stephani, John Tilton

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1953:
Dorothy Baber, Denise Black, Vera Blanchard, Ed Buck, Keith Chaffin, Rodney Cole, Donald Dahlke, Ruby Eisenbarth, Dorothy Erickson, Shirley Gates, Don Harris, Barbara Hicks, Ron Hosea, John Kern, Mary Lou Meeser, Phil Richards, Patricia Riley, Gordon Roth, Calvin Stanley, Beverly Steiner, Henry Suarez, Sally Sylvester, Earl Vercruyssen, Tom Whitehead, Ora Mae Wood, Louise Zacha


Corvallis high school graduating class of 1954:
Nancy Harvey Fox, Jack Roberts, Donna Varner, Dale Enebo, Beverly Rasmussen, Roger Stevens, Donna Perry, Fred Stibal, Wilma Talbot, Larry Kaphammer, Joan Lee Buck, Grace Ross, Keith Babcock, Shirley Sheets, Phillip Zacha, Laura MacKenzie, Marilyn Gaines, George Frost, Eileen Gates, Donna Wood, Roger Goddard, David Pearson, Phyllis Lockridge

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1955:
Rex Applebury, James Black, Barbara Brown, Shirley Davis, Katherine Deitz, Minnie Deitz, Frank Ferguson, Merrill Hill, Margaret (Peggy) Huls, Lynn Huskinson, Judy Karstens, Lornelle Kennedy, Jerrie Lensing, Karen Munson, Karolyn Quast, Shirley Rasmussen, Ray Richter, Robert Ross, Shirley Santobena, Darrell Stanhope, Josephine Suarez, Anne Varner, Randy Zito.
    Graduation is approaching at Corvallis High School with a class of 23 seniors soon to terminate their attendance at the school. This weekend sees the start of the full week of class acitivities, with Class Night being scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday, May 20. The program, which is a "hush-hush" project which the invited citizenry of the Corvallis school district will learn about that night.
    The baccalaureate services will be held in Corvallis High School gymnasium Sunday night with the Rev. Jesse Dove delivering the sermon. These services will start at 8 p.m. Graduation exercises will be held in the gymnasium starting at 8 p.m. Monday night, May 23. The address of the evening will be delivered by Dr. Lloyd Berg, head of the chemical engineering department of Montana State College, Bozeman. His topic will be "Promising Careers in Montana and Their Educational Requirements."
    The following day, the Corvallis graduates will leave in a chartered bus on a trip which will take them to Sun Valley and Arco, thence to Yellowstone National Park, to the Lewis & Clark Caverns, and including a stop at the state prision in Deer Lodge. The class will be accompanied by Philip Wilson and Mrs. Loren Kennedy. The group will reurn home Friday night, ending their school year, the trip being taken as part of their senior year in school.
The Western News, May 19, 1955

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1956:
Jay Applebury, Annie Blazich, Wilma Carmichael, Jim Collier, Lee Erickson, Donald Gates, Janette Glidewell, Susan Gregg, Richard Guse, Dovieanne Harris, Donna Harvey, Darlene Holt, Kenneth Holt, Scott Hull, Emily Kaphammer, Joyce Kent, Leo Kern, David Lineback, Gene Mackela, Audrey Roberts, Irene Rodriquez, John Romer, James Roth, Rexine Rowland, Larry Staton, Nicky Sutherland, Patsy Sutherland, Sandra Thomas, Deanna Trask, Lynn Vercruyssen, Gordon Wirtz, Betty Jean Wood

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1957:
Jerry Allen, Wesley Ayers, Morris Campbell, Ronald Davis, Caroline Dilger, Vance Goddard, Richard Guthrie, Jim Hackney, Lois Hill, Loretta Hull, Adrianna Jimeno, Jack Maki, Norbert Kern, Carla Lockwood, Sandra Lockwood, Rita Kelly, Carol Jo Marsh, Sharon Morris, Jerry Randolph, Evelyn Rowland, Jim St. Clair, Karl Sheets, Charlie Stibal, Ladonna Talbot, Robert Thorson, Jim Warren, Jack Wemple, Jim White, Betsy Winship

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1958:
Glenn Barnum, Janice Carmichael, Brenda Cushman, Bob Dees, Ervin Deitz, Alice Eisenbarth, Lee Frost, Ronnie Frost, Luella Heidt, Edine Hopkins, Ivy Jackson, Veronica Kern, Daniel Lineback, Allen Luedecke, Margaret Meeser, Marilyn Mickens, , Gerald Muller, Gayle Munson, Jim McCoy, Terry Park, Rosemary Quast, Tom Richardson, Julie Sheets, Gary Stanley, Lois Staton, Trudy Strate, Georgean Talbot, Jeannie Varner, Brian Sutherland, Stuart Zacha

Corvallis School Enrollment Is Up
A total of 466 students have enrolled at Corvallis schools, a gain of 16 from last year. There are 148 in high school with 47 frosh, 46 sophs, 29 juniors, 25 seniors and one special student.
    Student body officers elected last spring are: Dorothy Gates, Jerry Holloron and Doris Muller.
    Frosh officers are Calvin Bay, Mike Hopkins, Shirley Murphy; PTA representatives, Leslie Koepplin, Rita Kern; student council, Aneta Lamoreaux, David Holt.
    Sophs: Bill Engler, LeRoy Mickens, Barbara Lew; PTA, Victor Plumb, Diana Bowdern; student council, James Hull, Judy Talbot.
    Juniors, Jon Sutherland, Tom Richards, Gladys Jimeno, Sharon Mason; PTA, Evalina Kaul, Jerry Holloron; student council, Kathy Richardson, Larry Bumgarner
    Seniors: Hal Huskinson, Kay Holloron, Betty Davis, Lorena Mitchell; PTA, Barbara Barker, Larry Sylvester; student council, Linda Park, Howard, Bay.
    In the elementary grades there are 46 students in the first grade; 36, 2nd; 42, 3rd; 48, 4th; 41, 5th; 38, 6th; 37, 7th; 30, 8th, making a total of 318. One additional teacher has been hired making 23 on the staff. This year's total for gradesters is 318. In 1957, 315 students were in the grades.
The Western News, September 11, 1958

Corvallis high school graduating class of 1959:
Mary Bailey, Howard Bay, Dawn Branbo, Betty Davis, Erwin Deitz, Paul Deitz, Peter Deitz, George Dilger, Dorothy Gates, Kay Holloron, Hal Huskinson, Rosemary Luedecke, Janet Marsh, Lorena Mitchell, Eileen Morris, Louise Murphy, Linda Park, Joanne Popham, Carolyn Raines, Larry Sylvester, Marilyn Stevens, Howard Zankner

Graduating Class rosters 1960-1995

CHS Class of 1939 Held a Reunion
    A reunion of the Corvallis high school class of 1939 was held Saturday night at the vo-ag building. The class flower, yellow roses, was used in the decorating theme with bouquets on the table and roses painted on the place cards which bore the class motto “It matters not how long we live, but how we live.” The cards were made by Mrs. Carl (Lois Brooks) Swanson. Master of ceremonies was russell Giesy of Whitefish, who introduced former teachers George Blakeslee, Missoula; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cappious, Helena;, Mrs. T.J. Micka, Bozeman; Mrs. Donald (Ruth Whitlock) Holloron. The class prophecy, read by Mrs. Frank (Lu Rae) Tanner, caused much merriment as did reminders of antics of class members years ago and other remembrances.
    Each member of the honored class introduced their family and during the dessert course Mr. Giesy reminded members that not only was the class noting its 25th anniversary but that the date was the birthday of Mrs. Tanner and on that birthday 25 years ago, the class had gathered at the home of her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Milford Cobb. Telegrams were read from Mrs. Joe (Mildred Puyear) Butler, Downey City, Cal; and George Norwood, Portland. The latter was a coach at CHS. Both sent regrets at being unable to attend.
    Members at the reunion beside those mentioned were Mrs. Willard (Wilma Whitesitt) Rasmussen, Mrs. Clayton (Lee Jean Morris) Warner, Vance Bay, Nathaniel Garrard, Roy Snell, all Corvallis; Leon Carmen, Gene Vining, Mrs. Hoyt (Marjory Park) Stevens, Hamilton; Mrs. Arthur (Kathryn Treece) Slocum, Mrs. William (Leota Poll) Gugler, Kenneth Talbot, all Missoula; Mrs. Harold (Dovie Ann Dye) Peterson, Dillon; Mrs. Clarence (Margaret Sperry) Jakeway, Sequim, Wash; Mrs. J.T. (Edna Felix) Conner, Alderwood Manor,Wash; Mrs. Gene (Wilma Foreman) Lunceford, Orcutt, Calif; Willis Foreman, LaHabra, Calif.
    Other members unable to attend were Mrs. James (Dorothy Adams) Colson, Moses Lake, Wn; Mrs. James (Doris Adams) Lee, Mrs. Harry (Edith Eggers) Adams, both Seattle; Mrs. G.W. (Lucile Chaffin) Cullom, Oakland, Calif; Ed Zacha, Ft. Worth, Texas; Kenneth Poll, Maine; Maxine Beck, address unknown. One member of the class, Edgar Scott, is deceased, a casualty of WWII.
    Corvallis Grange members served the banquet.
The Western News, July 1, 1964

Corvallis School Schedule For the Opening Period Is Announced
    A.W. Unterseher, superintendent of Corvallis schools, announced that the school opening schedule has been set and that all teaching positions have been filled for the 1966-67 school year. Registration will be conducted at the school for juniors and seniors August 25, with the freshmen and sophomores scheduled to register on Ajugust 26.
    Football uniforms will be issued August 19 and the first football practice for the 1966 season is set for August 22. The teaching staff will have a pre-school oreintation meeting at 9 a.m. on September 2 and classes are schedule to begin on Tuesday, September 6, buses will run their routes, and the lunch program will be in operation on the first day.
    The following staff has been announced by Superintendent Unterseher: first grade, Edna Thomas and Marilyn Undem; second grade, Peggy Rutherford and Lela Arnold; third grade, Jane Armstrong and Ruth Holloron; fourth grade, Kathy Gibbons; fifth grade, Ingrid Kaushagen; sixth grade, Nellie Wilcox and Robert Erickson; junior high, Clara Dell Bowden, Bruce Crawford, and Del Greenfield. Robert Olson is the elementary principal.
    In the high school, Mary Lou Cook will teach home economics; Mrs. Jon King, foreign languages; Ruth Moen, English; Ben Rachenbacher, guidance and history; Marvin Hill, math; Gordon Rafdal, athletic director; Fred Bull, football and government; Dick Evans, music, Tom Carter.
The Western News, August 1966

Fine Time Had At Corvallis High School ‘37 Reunion
The members of Corvallis High School Senior Class of 1937 held their 30-year reunion July 1st and 2nd. An open house at the George Rummel home on Daly Avenue at 4 p.m. on Saturday started off the event.
    At 7 p.m. a banquet was served at the Grange hall in Woodside. Ladies of the Corvallis Grange prepared and served the meal, and entertainment was furnished by the Corvallis Grange chorus. Following the chorus numbers, the evening was spent reminiscing and visiting.
    Sunday July 2, the group gathered at the Medicine Springs for a picnic at the Ed Hornung cabin. Class members, spouses and former teachers attending the reunion numbered approximately forty.
    Class members attending were George Horak, Nutley, New Jersey; Pauline Sears Timm, Port Bend, Oregon; Lorraine Wolffs Moliter, Sheridan; Vivian Felix Beardslee, Kalispell; Ruth Hull Bay, Missoula; Gwen Puyear Powell, Stevensville; Jessie Weber Lovely, Alice Lear Wheeler, Harriet Snow Hornung, Carl Swanson, Helene Stoll Sager, Alice White Carmichael, George Rummel, Gilbert Gander, Corvallis Hamilton area.
    Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bryson, Helen Fierce of Spokane. Helen was in the class from 1st to 10th grade and moved to Hamilton for her last two years of high school. Former teachers present and grades taught: Kathryn Weber, 1st grade; Mr. and Mrs. Sain Capious, Helena, 8th and 6th grade; Mrs. Donald Holloron (Ruth Whitlock) high school; Mr. and Mrs. George Blakeslee, high school.
    Class members unable to attend were: Laura Mattson McPherson, Great Falls; Francis James Arnold, Portland; Doris Kane Flink, Warm Springs; Alice Holloron Hackney, Seattle; Marjorie Hefner Wright, Hamilton; Bruce Bryson, Seattle; Harry Adams, Seattle; Raymond Moore, Milwaukee, Oregon; Tom Murphy, Corvallis. Deceased members are: Elenora Glenn, Doyle Dunbar, Max Barr and Carl Gustafson.
    This is the second reunion of the Class of ‘37. A similar event took place ten years ago. By unanimous approval, another reunion is scheduled for 1977.
The Western News, July 5, 1967