Book 1 - Garnet, Montana's Last Gold Camp by Helen Hammond
Book 2 - On the North Side of Philipsburg, Montana by Tiny Johnson
Book 3 - Garnet, Montana: the People and the Place, A Biographical Sketch, 1865-1970 prepared by Garnet Preservation Association and the Bureau of Land Management

These books can be ordered through interlibrary loan to read the particulars.

Early Granite County Residents



Abascal, Joaquin

Garnet resident, one of group of friends who got drunk and lost Mickey Finn's body in river while taking the body to Deer Lodge for burial, had store and saloon in Garnet

Book 3

Abbott, Harry

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11

Abott, Harry

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Adams Carpenter Shop

In Garnet


Adams home

In Garnet


Adams Store

In Garnet, photo

1/21, 41

Adams, John

Photo taken in Garnet, brother of Sam


Adams, Mary Jane

Dtr of Samuel and Jennie (Starr) Adams, married Alan Morin, 2 sons, Jerry and Bob, photo, bn Missoula 1917

1/40, 44

Adams, Samuel

1926 photo at Grant and Hartford Mine, bn 15 Apr 1862 in Shade Gap PA, Photo taken in Garnet, brother of John, mar Jennie Starr in Harrisburg PA on 6 Sep 1904 at age 45, moved to Missoula in 1927. Died there 2 Dec 1928 at age 69, kids Samuel Adams Jr. (he died as an infant in 1906), Mary Agnes Adams who died at age 3, Mary Jane Adams

1/12, 21, 39, 40, 41, 42

Book 3

Adams, Samuel (Mrs.)

Photo w/Mrs. Sam Ritchey, Sammy, Helen in Garnet, postmistress in Garnet in early 1900s

1/29, 33

Anderson, Katherine (Miss)

Garnet teacher, later taught in Butte


Anderson, Margaret

Mar Neil Carothers of Garnet ca 1890

Book 3

Anderson, Mary

Name of mining claim staked by Tim Anderson and Ed Magone


Anderson, Tim

Staked the Mary Anderson claim w/Ed Magone

1/9, 42

Book 3

Anlenharrar, Paul E (Pastor)

Married Alma Kreiger & Willis C Taber on 14 Nov 1898 in Garnet

Book 3

Ascroft, Dick

Garnet miner


Ashcroft, Mr.

Photo taken in Garnet


Askman, Frederick "Fred"

Garnet resident, gambler


Book 3

Aspen, Fred

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Auchinvole, James S

French Canadian from Caribou Mines area in BC, bn ca 1839, worked on Nancy Hanks with his friend Sam Ritchey, brother John

1/9, 11, 42

Book 3

Auchinvole, John

Brother of James, miner, eventually settled in Granger ID

Book 3

Barlow, "Bake"

Phillipsburg baker, foiled Mrs. Durfee's dog


Beebe/Beeby, Walter

Prob a miner, maintained acct at Strout & Moss Grocery in Garnet

Book 3

Belevue, Helen

Bearmouth teacher


Bennett, JS

Garnet watchmaker, optician, jeweler

1/42, 43

Book 3

Bennett, X

South Willow Creek miner in 1878


Black, George

Garnet miner, killed riding a horse in Garnet


Book 3

Blackie, Dave

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Blaisdell and Judson

Of Missoula, owned Garnet's Link's Store


Blodgett, Earl

1902 school photo in Garnet


Boles, James "Jim"

Miner of Sunset, Yreka & Garnet area, delivered beef to Garnet, discovered body of Al Moon, married


Book 3

Bombaugh, Mr.

Garnet mining handyman, possibly pre-cooked Beartown MT holdup


Book 3

Bone, Henry

Garnet resident, one of group of friends who got drunk and lost Mickey Finn's body in river while taking the body to Deer Lodge for burial

Book 3

Bonham, Esther Lewis (Mrs.)

Owns Johnny Bull's cabin in Garnet, dtr of Charles Lewis, niece of Phil Newman


Book 3

Born, Mrs.

At Garnet dance in 1899


Borne, Marshall

1902 school photo in Garnet


Borutta, Paul

1899 Garnet miner


Bowie, Dr.

1878 Phillipsburg doctor


Bowls, Alice

1902 school photo in Garnet


Bowls, Arrilla

1902 school photo in Garnet


Bowls, Kate

1902 school photo in Garnet


Brady, Frank

Outlaw, bn IL in 1861, shot by Deputy Sheriff Cyrus K Wyman on Thanksgiving 24 Nov 1904, bur Phillipsburg Cemetery


Braley, Lester (Mr. And Mrs.)

Found Iver Iverson body while picking huckleberries


Brayham, Jim

1927 postal carrier between Bearmouth and Garnet


Brogan, Pat

Visited Garnet in 1899


Brogan, Teddy

Claimjumped the Shamrock mine near Garnet, lost in court

Book 3

Brogran, Mr.

Garnet miner


Brogran, Rose Winnighoff

Aka Rose Winnighoff, Garnet teacher


Book 3

Brown, AB (Prof.)

Owner/mgr of Mammoth Mine in Garnet

Book 3

Brown, FD

Had ranch on Rock Creek


Brown, Frank

Garnet resident, one of group of friends who got drunk and lost Mickey Finn's body in river while taking the body to Deer Lodge for burial

Book 3

Brown, Hazel (Mrs.)

Wife of Charley, Garnet teacher, from Deer Lodge


Brown, John

Friend of Garnet Miner Dick Herzer

Book 3

Brown, John D

Ran Garnet short order restaurant


Book 3

Bull, Johnny

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, Englishman, real name was Thomas Tregonin

1/22, 25, 42

Burke, Irene

1902 school photo in Garnet


Burke, Laura

1902 school photo in Garnet


Burke, Teresa

1902 school photo in Garnet


Camble, George

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Campbell, Dune

Was at massacre in McKay Gulch in 1878, either he or FH Garver escaped the Indians


Carlin, William

1898 Garnet miner


Carothers, Ed

1902 school photo in Garnet


Carothers, Hilla

Mother of Neil

Book 3

Carothers, Neil

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, mar Margaret Anderson ca 1890, kids Andrew, Margaret, Edward, Arthur and Ward

1/10, 11, 22

Book 3

Carothers, Ward

1902 school photo in Garnet


Cary, Matt

Had Cash Grocery Store, mentioned in 1899 Garnet newspaper


Cauldson, John

Prob a miner, bought items on acct at Strout and Moss Grocery in Garnet

Book 3

Chamberlain, Dr.

Garnet doctor

1/28, 42

Book 3

Champ, Mr.

Jehovah Witness, traveled between Garnet and Coloma


Book 3

Childs, Nora

1902 school photo in Garnet


China Joe

"cut his throat" bur in Chinese section of Phillipsburg Cem in 1904.

2/32, 35

Chinaman, Louie

Garnet Chinese placer miner, bot items on acct in 1898 at Strout & Moss Grocer

Book 3

Chinaman, Sam Who

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1903


Chinaman, Sambi

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1914


Chinaman, Si Wi

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1903


Chinaman, Suson Wing Wu

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1915


Chinaman, Tom

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1924


Chinaman, Wa Sho

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1903



There are at least 3 buried in Pauper's Ground at Phillipsburg Cem ca 1895


Clark, UH

Garnet storekeeper, ran Clark's Fruit Stand in Garnet in 1898


Book 3

Clark, WA

Wealthy mining man, mined near Garnet


Clavin, Katherine

Dtr of Ann Howle, bn ca 1875, died prior to 1946, mar Joseph Fitzgerald and Patrick Burmingham

Book 3

Cleary, Mrs.

Garnet teacher in 1926, photo

1/30, 40, 44

Book 3

Cole, John H

Owner/Editor of Garnet Mining News, died 1915 in Anaconda MT

Book 3

Conn, Mrs.

Willow Creek resident, Jacob Johnson's body moved to her home


Cook, Chuck

Friend of Garnet Mienr Dick Herzer

Book 3

Crawford, Al

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11

Book 3

Crawford, Jim

Owned Garnet Lode on which townsite was located


Crowell, Rufus

Garnet resident, photo of his home, miner

1/25, 42

Cunningham, Dr.

1901 Phillipsburg doctor


Curn, Len

Garnet saloonkeeper of Dashley & Curn Saloon


Book 3

Dahl, Marian

Wife of Ole, kids Raymond, Marjorie Dahl Wilson, Jay

Book 3

Dahl, Ole

Garnet saloonkeeper, moved to Garnet in 1938, ran a speakeasy, photos


Book 3

Dalberg home

In Garnet, photo


Dalberg, Earl

1909 school photo in Garnet, son of Gus, worked on ranch & as maintenance man for State Highway Dept. Died 1975

1/25, 32, 37, 38

Book 3

Dalberg, Gus

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, 1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo, developed Garnet water system, came to Garnet in 1894, from Sweden, married Anna Lindahl in Spokane on 11 May 1899, son Earl, dtr Myrtle

1/10, 18, 22, 37, 38, 42

Book 3

Dalberg, Myrtle

1909 school photo in Garnet, worked for Milwaukee RR in Missoula, married Leo Hamilton

1/32, 37, 38

Book 3

Dashley, William "Bill"

Garnet saloonkeeper of Dashley & Curn Saloon


Book 3

Davey/Davy, Frank A

Owned Garnet Stage, photo, bought Link's Store in 1898, shared home w/Billy Liberty, ran FA Davey Store, died in 1947. Bur in Missoula

1/16, 17, 23, 24, 42

Book 3

Davey's barn

In Garnet


Davie/Davy, Jack

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11, 50

Book 3

Davis Saloon

In Garnet


Davis, Charles "Charlie"

Garnet resident, teamster, saloonkeeper, married, 2 daughters


Book 3

Davis, Tom

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo


Book 3

Dennison, Charles

Owned Anderson-McGone Properties at Garnet

Book 3

Despain, Jerry

Miner at Lead King mine in Garnet in 1898

Book 3

Duffy, JC

1899 Garnet miner


Durfee, Judge

Phillipsburg judge, employed Annie Morgan

2/10, 14, 34

Durfee, Mrs.

Wife of Judge Durfee of Phillipsburg, had white Spitz dog that would urinate on Bake Barlow's bakery

2/9-11, 14

Durfree & Brown

Phillipsburg law firm

Book 3

Eggars, Fred

Garnet miner


Elliott, Amos

Killed by Indians, McKay Gulch 1878

2/18, 21

Emmett, Robert

Mine near Garnet


Estoy, Dick

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Estoy, Kenith

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Evans, John E

Mexican soldier, buried in Pauper's Ground at Phillipsburg Cemetery


Featherman Store

In Drummond, burned


Felton, Charles

Owned Garnet Lode on which townsite was located


Felton, Charles

Garnet saloonkeeper


Book 3

Filmore, Adam

Colored, buried in 1891 in Paupers Ground at Phillipsburg Cemetery


First Chance Mining Company

Run by Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Mussigbrod


Fischer, Mr.

Garnet steam engineer


Book 3

Fitzgerald, Frank

Photo at Gul Dalberg home in Granite 1978, father was a saloonkeeper, bn 1912 in Garnet, became teacher & librarian in ID, bn in Garnet, now lives in Drummond


Book 3

Fitzgerald, Joseph

Photo taken in Garnet, part owner of saloon, bn ca 1875 in Bearmouth, bur at Deer Lodge, married Katherine Clavin, kids Mary, Anita, Hazel, Catherine, and Frank

1/21, 22, 42

Fleming home

In Garnet


Flynn, Mike "Mickey"

Garnet miner, died near Garnet in 1870, bur Deer Lodge. His friends got drunk while taking his body to Deer Lodge for burial and lost the body. They found it the next day, upside down in the river


Book 3

Fowey, Harry

1902 school photo in Garnet


Fraser, Nellie

Wife of Thomas Fraser, sold his saloon in Garnet in 1907

Book 3

Fraser, Thomas

Owned Kelley-Fraser Saloon in Garnet, mar Nellie

Book 3

Garver, FH

Either he or Dune Campbell escaped the Indians at McKay Gulch/Rock Creek Massacre in 1878


Gaulsha/Goulsha, Hank

Garnet livery


Book 3

Gavin, Hugh

Garnet saloonkeeper


Book 3

Grant home

In Garnet


Grant, Arthur A

Nephew of Henry Grant, became partner and mine owner w/Ed Magone of the Mary Anderson Mine, bn 1883 in Glasgow Scotland, died 1982 in New Orleans LA, siblings Cecilia, Lillian, Peter, Helen, Frances and Rose, married Mary, son A. Gordon Grant, photos

Book 3

Grant, Henry

Bn ca 1840, partner of Edward Magone in Grant & Hartford Mine in Garnet, nephew was Arthur A Grant

Book 3

Green, Billy

Garnet miner


Green, Charlie

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Griffeath, Dale

1902 school photo in Garnet


Griffeath, Edna

1902 school photo in Garnet


Griffeath, Glenn

1902 school photo in Garnet


Griffith, Ernest

1902 school photo in Garnet


Griffith, Glenn

1902 school photo in Garnet


Hall home

In Garnet


Hall, Albert

Garnet area resident, listed on Strout and Moss grocery accts

Book 3

Hall, Clifford

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, 1902 school photo in Garnet, son of Fred Hall

1/22, 31

Book 3

Hall, Dav

1926 photo at Grant and Hartford Mine


Hall, David "Davy"

Miner at Grant & Hartford Mine near Garnet

Book 3

Hall, Della

1911 school photo in Garnet, dtr of Fred, married Mr. Scofield on Christmas 1916


Book 3

Hall, Fred

Garnet miner, married Margaret, kids Nettie, Della, Harry, Clifford, Fred "Doc", Leonard, many photos


Book 3

Hall, Fred "Doc"

1902 school photo in Garnet, son of Fred, never married, died in Helena in 1946


Book 3

Hall, Harry

1926 photo at Grant and Hartford Mine, Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, son of Fred

1/12, 22

Book 3

Hall, Leonard

Son of Fred Hall, married Ruth

Book 3

Hall, Nettie

Dtr of Fred Hall, bn 1883 in MT, died 1965 in Palo Alto CA, married Charles C Irwin Sr. at Clinton MT in 1900

Book 3

Hamilton, Leo

Married Myrtle Dalberg, in insurance business


Hamilton, Myrtle Dalberg

Photo at Gul Dalberg home in Granite 1978, father was a miner


Hammond, Richard "Dick"

Storekeeper in Garnet for FA Davey

Book 3

Hanefin, Eddie

1911 school photo in Garnet


Hanifen home

In Garnet


Hanifen, Dan

1902 school photo in Garnet, 1926 photo at Grant and Hartford Mine, Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900

1/12, 22, 31

Book 3

Hanifen, Eddie

1902 school photo in Garnet


Hanifen, Elta

Photo, probably taken in Garnet

Book 3

Hanifen, Harry

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, 1902 school photo in Garnet, son of Hugh

1/22, 31

Hanifen, Hugh

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, father of Harry, Miner, photo of home in Garnet, played violin

1/21, 22, 42

Book 3

Hanifen, Mrs.

Garnet postmistress ca 1925


Hanifen, Tim

At Garnet dance in 1899


Hank's Barn

In Garnet


Harrin/Herrin, Ed

Garnet resident


Harrington, Mike

Garnet miner


Harris, John

On 1901 Phillipsburg posse


Hart, Bob

Garnet miner, placer miner on Elk Creek


Book 3

Hart, Olive Ritchey

Garnet resident

Book 3

Hawe, Glen

Miner, arrived Garnet 1934, leased Mtn View Lode and Majestic Millsite from Pearl Shipler in 1949

Book 3

Hays, John

Killed by Indians, McKay Gulch 1878, miner

2/18, 21

Headman, Venita

Bearmouth teacher


Heard, Annie May

Garnet resident,photo, dtr of Charles, mar George A Mayer in 1932, son George W Mayer Jr. bn in 1949


Book 3

Heard, Charles "Charlie"

Garnet miner in 1920s-30s, kids Reihard/Richard, Frederick, Annie May, Edith, photos

Book 3

Heard, Edith

Garnet teacher, photo, dtr of Charles


Book 3

Heard, Fred

Boarded at Mrs. Samuel Adams home, miner, son of Charles

1/40, 42

Book 3

Heard, Richard and wife

Aka Reihard, Garnet residents, son of Charles Heard


Book 3

Hebner, William "Bill"

Built cabin at Garnet in 1949 (now the caretakers house), he never moved to Garnet

Book 3

Henifen, Grace

Married Roy McPhail


Herman, HE

Had ranch at Cogswell Gulch


Heron, M

Breed Indian, buried 1876 in Phillipsburg Cemetery in Paupers Ground


Herzer, Richard "Dick"

Garnet area miner, had cabin in Cave Gulch, spent 20 years in Alaska

Book 3

Hickey, Patrick

Garnet prospector, killed by a train between Missoula and Bearmouth, bur at Missoula Cem, married,


Book 3

Hicks, GW

1898 Garnet miner


Hillis, Charlie

Garnet miner


Hoehne, Emmet

1902 school photo in Garnet


Hoehne, Gladys

Wife of William Hoehne

Book 3

Hoehne, Irene

Dtr of William Hoehne, married Mr. Johnson

Book 3

Hoehne, Jack

Son of William Hoehne

Book 3

Hoehne, William "Billy"

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, 1926 photo at Grant and Hartford Mine, wife Gladys, son Jack, dtr Irene

1/12, 22, 42

Book 3

Hoehne, Willie

1902 school photo in Garnet


Holberg, Gus

1899 Garnet miner

1/43, 50

Holmes, Frank

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900

1/22, 42

Hone, Bob

1902 school photo in Garnet


Hone, Charlie

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11

Book 3

Hone, Charlie

1902 school photo in Garnet


Hone, Grace

1902 school photo in Garnet


Hones, Frank

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11

Book 3

Hornbrook, Major

1898 supt of Mussigbrod mining properties near Garnet

Book 3

Hughes, Pete

1898 Garnet miner


Irrin, Joe Jr.

1898 Garnet miner


Iverson Hotel

In Garnet, owned by DA McDonald, burned in 1911


Iverson, Ed

Brother of Iver & Ike, homesteaded in Somers Gulch at base of Rumsey Mtn, died age 77, bur in Phillipsburg Cem in Pauper's section


Iverson, Ike

Phillipsburg area resident, died 1922, brothers Ed and Iver, bur Phillipsburg Cem


Iverson, Iver

Phillipsburg resident, froze to death 31 Dec 1917, bur Phillipsburg cem, brothers Ed & Ike , worked at Southern Cross mine,


Johnson, CA

1898 Garnet miner


Johnson, Jacob

Phillipsburg resident, got drunk and was mistakenly killed by his brother John at cabin at Wood Camp, on 19 Dec 1899. Bur Lot 2 Blk 15 in Phillipsburg, Finnish

2/2, 3, 35

Johnson, John

Accidently shot & killed his brother Jacob on 19 Dec 1899 near Phillipsburg, found not guilty, Finnish

2/2, 3

Johnson, Lena

Bn 1872 in Sweden, died 1954 in Butte, mar Nels Seadin


Book 3

Johnson, Levi C

Shot and killed at his sawmill on Willow Creek in 1901 at age 50, by Thomas Wilson, bn NY, Granite Co Sheriff, livery business, hauled ore from Black Pine, Odd Fellow

2/6, 7, 8

Johnson, Mr.

Garnet miner, blinded in mine accident


Johnson, Mrs.

Wife of Levi C Johnson who was murdered in 1901. She lived aon ranch on Rock Creek 12 mi from Phillipsburg.


Johnson, Tiny

Son of Walter Sr. wrote book "On the North Side of Phillipsburg"

Book 2

Johnson, Walter Sr.

Photo, Phillipsburg resident


Jones, Wesley

Ran store in Top O'Deep with Jim Meadows, later became Deer Lodge County Sheriff


Jory, William "Billy"

Killed by Indians, McKay Gulch 1878

2/18, 21

Judson and Blaisdell

Of Missoula, owned Garnet's Link's Store


Judson, Mr.

1899 Garnet postmaster

1/33, 42

Book 3

Karns, Frank

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11

Book 3

Kearn, Fran

Garnet resident, put in jail when he got drunk and killed someone's dog


Book 3

Kearns/Kerns, Tommy

Garnet bachelor, Boarded at Mrs. Samuel Adams home, miner

1/25, 40, 42

Book 3

Kelley, JP/LP

Garnet saloonkeeper, bought Robert Moore saloon in 1898, married

1/23, 24, 42

Book 3

Kelly's Saloon

In Garnet, burned in 1911

1/23, 24

Kennedy, Mr.

Involved w/Top O'Deep mine in 1899


Kerns, Tommy

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11

Kilpatrick, Mr.

At Garnet dance in 1899


Klenze, J.G.

Operated Nancy Hanks mine 1915-16


Kohr, John W

Bn 10 Nov 1914 in Piketown or Middletown PA, , died 1987 in Minnesota, bur Missoula Cem, mar Cristene Olsen, miner in Garnet area, later worked for Anaconda Mining Co, owned and operated Topaz, New Mtn View Tunnel and Millsite claims near Garnet from 1962-1970, sons Glen and Daniel

Book 3

Krieger, Alma

Garnet resident, married Willis C Taber on 14 Nov 1898 in Garnet

Book 3

Krieger, Frank

Arrived in Garnet from Eastern MT in 1954, cowboy, deputy sheriff and miner, last year round resident of Garnet, photo

Book 3

Kroger, Henry

1898 Garnet miner


Lanahan, Father

Catholic Priest from Drummond


Lannen, Ed

Bought the Northwestern mine with John Patten

1/15, 50

Lannon Brothers

Had Garnet freighter business

Book 3

Larson, Sam

1899 Garnet miner


Larson, Sam

1899 Pres of Garnet Miners Union


Larum, Siedre

Wife of Jerry Morin

Book 3

Lawrence, Bill

Early Garnet area teamster, photo

1/17, 37, 42

Book 3

Leaser, Al

Garnet miner


Leeser, AT

1899 Sec of Miners Union


Lehsou, Henry

Garnet assayer


Book 3

Lenning, John

Garnet Miner, prize fighter, logger, rancher near Avon


Book 3

Leonard, Hugh

Garnet miner


Levely, Lee

1898 Garnet miner


Leweny, Henry

1899 Garnet miner


Lewis, Charles "Charley"

Operated Garnet Stage in 1899, dtr Esther, somehow related to Phil Newman

1/17, 21, 42

Book 3

Lewis, EC

Garnet saloonkeeper in 1898

1/42, 43

Book 3

Lewis, Esther

Dtr of Charles Lewis, niece of Phil Newman, married Mr. Bonham

Book 3

Lewis, Jack

1902 school photo in Garnet


Lewis, Mr.

Garnet storekeeper and druggist in 1898


Book 3

Liberty, William "Billy"

Garnet Stage driver, his cabin burned in 1940, shared home w/Frank Davey, blacksmith, French Canadian bn in Canada, died at Missoula, never married, couldn't read or write, photo

1/17, 24, 40, 42

Book 3

Lindahl, Anna

From Sweden, lived in Minneapolis, then Garnet. Married Gus Dalberg in Spokane on 11 May 1899, son Earl, dtr Myrtle, photo

1/37, 38

Link's General Store

In Garnet, once owned by Judson and Blaisdell of Missoula, Frank Davey bought it in Oct 1898

1/21, 23, 42

Book 3

Livingston, Cynthia

Married Bob Morin

Book 3

Lobdell/Lobdale, Pete

Boarded at Mrs. Samuel Adams home , Photo in Garnet, miner, 1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo, died Missoula, never married

1/10, 40, 42

Lock, Al

1898 Garnet miner


Lock, Charlie

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900

1/22, 42

Lock, Mr.

Garnet teamster


Lodge, Richard

1898 Garnet miner


Lowery Home

In Garnet


Lowery, Addie

1902 school photo in Garnet, dtr of Alfred


Book 3

Lowery, Alfred

Garnet miner, married Edith, kids Addie, Irene and Edith, worked at Nancy Hanks Mine


Book 3

Lowery, Edith

1902 school photo in Garnet, dtr of Alfred


Book 3

Lowery, Edith

Wife of Alfred, Garnet Postmistress as late as 1924, kids Addie, Edith and Irene

Book 3

Lowery, Irene

1902 school photo in Garnet, dtr of Alfred


Book 3

Lyle & Fitzgerald Saloon

In Garnet, burned in 1911


Magone/McGone, Ed

Staked the Mary Anderson claim w/Tim Anderson, married Jennie, partner of Henry Grant

1/9, 42

Book 3

Maley, Al

Had ranch on West Fork of Rock Creek


Malone, Thomas

Garnet miner in 1898


Matthews, Jerome

Phillipsburg resident in 1878


Mayer, George A

Married Garnet resident Annie May Heard in 1932, later moved to Basin MT and then to Helena. Died in 1969, Son George W Mayer

Book 3

McClosky, "Red"

1906 Garnet miner, accidentally shot by his partner


Book 3

McDermott, Pete

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, owned Shamrock Mine, Had placer mine near Beartown, staked Northwestern claim just S of Nancy Hanks, sold it to his son John Patten, operated the Grant & Hartfort mine,

1/9, 15, 22, 42

Book 3

McDonald Hotel

In Garnet, owned by DA McDonald, burned in 1911


McDonald, DA

Owned The Garnet Hotel

1/18, 24, 42, 50

Book 3

McDonald, Dan

Mentioned in 1899 Garnet newspaper


McDonald, JA

1899 Sec of Miners Union


McDonald, Jennie (Mrs)

Garnet teacher ca 1934

1/30, 45

McDonald, Johnny

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo

1/10, 11, 43

Book 3

McDonald, Neal

Garnet resident, agent for acetylene lighting, lodged at Garnet Hotel in 1898

1/24, 42

Book 3

McGuire, Tom

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


McIntosh brothers

Garnet/Bearmouth area residents


McKay, Lannie

1902 school photo in Garnet


McLaughlin, D

1898 Garnet miner


McLean, John (Capt.)

Organized company to capture Indians involved in McKay Gulch massacre


McLeod, Mr.

Garnet miner


McLeod, Rob

On 1901 Phillipsburg posse


McMahon, Aggie (Mrs.)

Delivered mail to Garnet in 1951


McMasters, France

1902 school photo in Garnet


McMasters, Jim

1902 school photo in Garnet


McMohan, Bob and Agnes

Arrived Garnet in late 1930s. He was a miner and his wife was postmistress

Book 3

McPhail, Nettie

Garnet teacher in 1909, cousin of Roy McPhail


McPhail, Roy

Garnet teacher in 1909, cousin of Nettie McPhail, married Grace Henifen


McPherson, Charles

1898 Garnet miner


Meadows, Jim

Ran store in Top O'Deep with Wesley Jones


Mellen, Hugh

1899 Garnet miner

1/43, 50

Metcalf, Sheriff

Phillipsburg sheriff in 1899

2/2, 6

Meyers/Myers, Charley

Garnet miner, Boarded at Mrs. Samuel Adams home, miner, moved to Missoula

1/24, 40, 42

Book 3

Michalson, Mr.

Garnet miner


Milan, Mr.

Garnet saloonkeeper


Book 3

Miller, Billy

Garnet resident

1/24, 40


Original name of Garnet


Mitchell, Armstead H. (Dr.)

Owned some placer claims in First Chance Gulch. In Jul 1895 bot Lead King, Red Cloud and Fourth of July claims. Partner was Dr. Mussigbrod, bn 27 Oct 1831 in Jefferson Co KY, Died 20 Dec 1898 in Warm Springs MT, brother Paul, mar May Irvine of KY in 1871, 5 kids, long biography in Book 3

1/9, 17, 20, 21, 42

Book 3

Moon, Ah "Al"

Placer miner, prob bn KwangTung Province China, d Yreka, Missoula Co Mar 1906, age 82

Book 3

Moore, Walter & Ruth

Walter drove the stage for Frank Davy for 4 years. Later he and his wife ran the Wells Hotel in Garnet, kids Mae and James, his father worked at the Shamrock mine, photos, living in Ogden Utah in 1971

Book 3

Morcom, Ethel May

Dtr of William, bn 11 Mar 1893 in Garnet, mar John Rule 1920, died 1991 in Saline MI

Book 3

Morcom, Violet Ada

Dtr of William

Book 3

Morcom, William & Susanna

Miner & rancher near Garnet, He born 1858 in Tywardreath, Cornwall England, mar Susanna Warden Sleep in 1891 in Cornwall, dtr Ethel May and Violet Ada, many photos

1/10, 11

Book 3

Morgan, Annie

Colored, Phillipsburg resident, bn 1832, cook for Gen George A Custer, worked for Judge Durfee, homesteaded on Rock Creek


Morgan, Dave

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo, Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900

1/10, 11, 22

Book 3

Morgan, Harry

1904 Game Warden in Phillipsburg and Rock Creek area, shot & killed Frank Brady with Cyrus K Wyman.


Morin, Alan

Married Mary Jane Adams of Garnet, in Army in WWII, died 1968


Morin, Bob

Son of Alan and Mary Jane (Adams) Morin, bn 30 Nov 1955 in Missoula, mar Cynthia Livingston, kids Krista and Thane


Book 3

Morin, Jerry

Son of Alan and Mary Jane (Adams) Morin, bn 15 Oct 1942 in Missoula, mar Siedre Larum


Book 3

Morin, Mary Jane Adams

Photo at Gul Dalberg home in Granite 1978, her father was a miner & storekeeper


Morrison, William

On 1901 Phillipsburg posse


Morse, Deputy Sheriff

Deputy Sheriff in 1901 Phillipsburg


Morse, GW (Col.)

Disc gold placers in Weasel Creek and Bilk Gulch ca 1865

1/5, 17

Moss & Strout Grocery

1895 Garnet grocery

Book 3

Moss, Claude

Garnet teacher

Book 3

Moss, John Westly N

Owned and operated the Strout & Moss grocery in Garnet, married Mary E.

Book 3

Mullan, Lt.

Building Mullan Road in 1858


Mulleneux, Ward

Bought Kelley-Fraser saloon in Garnet in 1907

Book 3

Murphy, Harry

1902 school photo in Garnet


Murphy, Mrs.

Garnet resident, photo w/Mrs. Ritchey and children driving in buggy to Bearmouth, midwife to Helene Ritchey

1/26, 28, 38

Book 3

Murphy, Uriel

1902 school photo in Garnet


Mussigbrod Mill

Photo, near Garnet

1/15, 18

Mussigbrod Teamsters



Mussigbrod, Charles F. (Dr.)

Immigrated to MT in 1850, started insane asylum in Warm Springs w/son Eric.

Book 3

Mussigbrod, Peter (Dr.)

Owned some placer claims in First Chance Gulch. In Jul 1895 bot Lead King, Red Cloud and Fourth of July claims. Partner was Dr. Mitchell, born & educated in Germany, attended German Mining Academy, metallugist, assayer, son of Dr. Charles F Mussigbrod

1/9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 42

Book 3

Neenan, Mr.

Boarded at Mrs. Samuel Adams home


Nettle's Saloon

In Garnet


Nevlin, Pat

Garnet miner


Newman, Phil

Had Garnet sawmill, built the Gingerbread House which was later burned by vandals, photos, never married

1/26, 42

Book 3

Nolan, JH

Garnet miner in 1898


O'Garha home

In Garnet


O'Keefe, Baron

Beartown resident

Book 3

Olsen, Cristene

Raised in Potomac Valley MT area, married John W Kohr, lived in Garnet area, died at Deerlodge and bur at Missoula Cem

Book 3

Opp, George

Phillipsburg resident in 1899


Owsley, Mr.

Ran stage & freight from Garnet to Bearmouth and Drummond in 1895

1/17, 18

Book 3

Page, Mrs.

Was midwife in Garnet at 11 Mar 1893 birth of Ethel May Morcom


Palmer, Dr.

Garnet doctor

1/28, 42

Book 3

Palmer, Minnie

Mine near Garnet


Pardee, Joseph T

Geologist, wrote Report on Ore Deposits of the Northwestern Part of Garnet Range, Montana Bulletin 660 page 178-188


Parker, LC (Col.)

Sold the Mammoth Mine in Garnet to AB Brown and headed for the Klondike

Book 3

Patten, John

Bought the Northwestern mine from his father, Pete McDermott

1/15, 42

Book 3

Peers, William "Bill"

Early Garnet area teamster

1/17, 42

Book 3

Perkins, Ci

Mentioned in1899 Garnet newspaper


Peterson Grocery

In Garnet

1/21, 42

Peterson, Matthias

Storekeeper and owner of Peterson Meat Market in Garnet, married, kids Maizie, Hattie, William and Fred, 2 others

Book 3

Peterson, Tiny (Miss)

At Garnet dance in 1899


Phelps, Nellie

Garnet saloonkeeper


Book 3

Plunkett, Ci

Mentioned in 1899 Garnet newspaper


Powers, Dr.

1901 Phillipsburg doctor


Prader, Mrs.

Garnet teacher, her husband worked at Mussigbrod mine

1/30, 40

Price, John

1880s Phillipsburg resident, miner, worked at Patten Mill, married, had strange skin condition where his skin would shed every summer like a snake.


Pringey, Charles

1901 Phillipsburg resident


Quinn, Magdalen

Photo of her in Garnet. In my book this was scratched out and "Rosemary Sullivan" was penciled in. Niece of Jennie Starr Adams

1/28, 32, 39

Ralston, Mr.

Strict 1903 Garnet teacher

Book 3

Rayell, Red

1902 school photo in Garnet


Rayett, Ester

1902 school photo in Garnet


Rayor, Mabel

1902 school photo in Garnet


Rayott, Red

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Reed, Bill

Garnet miner


Reed, Frederick

Leased Grant-Hartford Mine in Garnet in 1898

Book 3

Reed, Mr.

Garnet storekeeper


Book 3

Reid, CO

Of Coloma, mentioned in 1899 Garnet newspaper


Renner, Mr.

Garnet storekeeper, his store burned in April 1898


Book 3

Reynolds, Jack

Staked 2 claims at head of Elk Creek, namesake of Reynolds City ca 1865


Richey, Riley

Delivered milk and butter to Garnet, had ranch 6 miles from Garnet, also mined, kids Will, Eva, Claude, Olive, Samuel "Sam" Riley Ritchey, Theodore, he was nephew of Samuel Ritchey, later moved to OR and WA, photos


Book 3

Ritchey, Claude

Son of Riley

Book 3

Ritchey, Eva

Dtr of Riley

Book 3

Ritchey, Helen/Helene

1909 school photo in Garnet, dtr of Sam and Lena Ritchey, teacher, moved to Santa Cruz CA, married Mr. Smith

1/28, 29, 32, 35, 36

Ritchey, Mrs.

Garnet resident, photo w/children and Mrs. Murphy driving in buggy to Bearmouth


Ritchey, Olive

Mar Mr. Hart, dtr of Riley

Book 3

Ritchey, Sam (Mrs.)

Photo w Sammy, Helen and Mrs. Samuel Adams

1/29, 36

Ritchey, Sammy

1909 school photo in Garnet, son of Sam and Lena Ritchey, Photo w/ Mrs. Sam Ritchey, Helen and Mrs. Samuel Adams, attended Montana State University (now Univ of MT), manager of Power Company in Klamath Falls OR

1/29, 32, 35, 36

Ritchey, Samuel J

Discovered Nancy Hanks lode in 1874, bn IL on 16 Aug 1833, named mine after mother of Abe Lincoln or after trotting mare named Nancy Hanks, also staked the Tiger Lode, developed Garnet water system, photo, married Lena Sty, dtr Helene and son Sammy, moved to Missoula when kids were in high school, moved from IL to CA, OR and ID before going to Garnet ca 1873, wrote autobiography

1/9, 11, 18, 21, 35, 37, 42, 48, 49

Book 3

Ritchey, Samuel Riley

Son of Riley

Book 3

Ritchey, Theodore

Son of Riley, died age 2 1/2, bur at Stump Town near Nancy Hanks mine

Book 3

Ritchey, Will

Son of Riley

Book 3

Ronan, CP/GP

Garnet assayer

1/21, 42

Book 3

Royal, Plummer

Garnet barber, married


Book 3

Ryan, Andy

1898 Garnet miner

1/42, 43

Ryan, Maggie

1911 Garnet teacher, photo

1/30, 32

Book 3

Ryan, Mollie

Garnet teacher, may be same as Maggie

1/32, 38

Samples, Hugh

Garnet resident, fiddler

Book 3

Samples, Mr.

Garnet carpenter, his wife carried mail from Bearmouth to Garnet, kids Hugh and Orpha

Book 3

Samples, Orpha

Garnet resident

Book 3

Schnider, Robert

Garnet cigar manufacturer

1/42, 50

Book 3

Schoenfeldt, Henry

Built the Ritchey Hotel in Garnet, photo

1/18, 19

Book 3

Schonfeldt, Ed

Garnet hotel owner


Book 3

Schuh ranch

Near massacre on McKay Gulch, sheltered Dune Campbell who escaped the Indians


Scott, Hugh

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Scott, Paddy

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Seadin, Elsie

Dtr of Nels, bn 1905 in Coloma MT, died 23 Dec 1962 in Reno NV, Garnet teacher

Book 3

Seadin, Margaret

Dtr of Nels, bn Garnet in 1910, died 1937 in Garnet

Book 3

Seadin, Mildred

1911 school photo in Garnet, dtr of Nels, bn 1901, mar Mr. Driggers of Anaconda MT


Seadin, Nels

Garnet miner, bn Sep 1874 in Sweden, died in Missoula in 1939, mar Lena Johnson, kids Mildread, Tor/Tur, Elsie, Walter, Margaret, Robert George


Seadin, Robert George

Son of Nels, bn 1915, died 4 Jan 1968 in Warm Spring MT, miner, mar Elsie Margaret Craddock in Missoula on 4 Nov 1936, divorced in 1952, kids Gary Robert, Carol Ann, and Sharon

Book 3

Seadin, Thor/Turr

1911 school photo in Garnet, 1926 photo at Grant and Hartford Mine, son of Nels, bn 1903, died in mining accident in Butte mines

1/12, 32

Book 3

Seadin, Walter

Bn in Garnet in 1908, died 1959, son of Nels, miner

Book 3

Sevelle, ET

1898 Garnet miner


Shipler, Pearl (Mrs.)

Leased out Mtn View Lode and Majestic Millsite to Glen Hawe in 1949

Book 3

Shipler, Pete

From PA, moved to Garnet w/friend Samuel Adams, 1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo, owned Mtn View mine, his first wife is buried at Sandpark Cemetery in Coloma, remarried

1/10, 21, 39, 40, 42

Book 3

Shughro, Tom

Garnet miner


Sibeck, S

1893 Garnet miner


Sigland, Normanand

Stump Town resident, blond Norwegian kid

Book 3

Sing, Lee

Chinese placer miner in Garnet

Book 3

Sleep, Susanna Warden

Mar William Morcom in 1891 in Cornwall England, died after 1912 in MI

Book 3

Smith, George

Stayed in Phillipsburg with John Price one summer


Snider's Cigar Store

In Garnet


Spence, Sam

South Willow Creek miner in 1878,


Spencely, Ed

Beartown teamster


Book 3

Stares, Mel

Garnet Saloonkeeper


Book 3

Stark, Sam

1899 Garnet miner

1/43, 50

Starr, Jennie

Married Samuel Adams in Harrisburg PA on 6 Sep 1904 at age 25, photo w/neice Magdalen Quinn, 1st son died at birth, 2nd dtr died at age 3, dtr Mary Jane

1/39, 40

Stone, Bron A.C.

Opened Haparanda Lode in 1886 above Top O'Deep mine, photo

1/9, 11, 28, 42

Book 3

Stringham Grocery

In Garnet


Stringham, HM

Garnet grocer in 1898, closed his store in 1930s and it burned in 1971.


Book 3

Strout & Moss Grocery

1895 Garnet grocery

Book 3

Stuart, Henry

Garnet carpenter


Stuart, Johnny

Garnet miner


Sturgeon, Joe

Ran Garnet meat market

1/21, 42

Book 3

Sty, Lena

Married Samuel Ritchey


Sty, Mr.

Father of Lena Sty Ritchie, lived in Garnet

1/36, 42

Sugero, Tom

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900


Sullivan, Gerald

Son of Michael J, lost eye and 2 fingers in dynamite explosion, photo, bn 1904 in Butte

Book 3

Sullivan, Marcella

Dtr of Michael J, bn Jan 1909 in Butte, married Mr. Snyder,

Book 3

Sullivan, Michael J

Foreman at Dandy mine until 1914, bn ca 1876 in Elysis, County Cork Ireland, died age 40 at Deer Lodge, wife Mary A, kids Rosemary, Gerald, Marcella

Book 3

Sullivan, Rosemary

Photo of her in Garnet. Caption says Magdalen Quinn but it was corrected by hand, dtr of Michael J, bn 1903 in Butte, died Butte 1995


Book 3

Summer, Shorty

Garnet saloonkeeper


Swanson, Andrew

1899 Garnet miner, VP Miners Union

1/43, 50

Symms, Dr.

Powell Co doctor who treated Red McCloskey's gunshot wound

Book 3

Tababor, Henry

Nez Perce Indian, thought to have been at massacre at McKay Gulch


Taber/Tabor, Willis C

Sold Garnet water system to Sam Ritchey and Gus Dalberg in 1905, had store and bathhouse in Garnet 1898-1900, married Alma Kreiger in Garnet

1/37, 42, 43

Book 3

Tennis, Nick

Garnet miner and cook


Terrell, Joe

Garnet miner


Terry, Mrs.

Garnet teacher

1/30, 40

Thompson, "Doc"

Garnet storekeeper


Book 3

Thompson, Harry

1911 school photo in Garnet


Thompson, John

Garnet miner, blinded in mining accident


Book 3

Tollofson, Oscar

Garnet miner


Toole, Johnny

Bn ca 1913, miner near Garnet in 1934, Presbyterian, grandfather was Ken Ross, mother was Anna Hardenbrook Toole

Book 3

Tregonin, Thomas

Garnet resident, Englishman, also known as Johnny Bull

1/25, 42

Walters, George

On 1901 Phillipsburg posse


Ward, ME

1898 Garnet miner


Warner, Ann

Bearmouth teacher


Warren, Edward Brook

Garnet resident & miner, never married, Civil War Veteran, may have died in Long Beach CA

1/40, 42

Book 3

Wassenberg, Mt.

Garnet tailor in 1898


Book 3

Wells Hotel

In Garnet, built 1898 by JK Wells


Wells, Ed

Early Garnet area teamster

1/17, 42

Wells, Eddie

1902 school photo in Garnet, son of JK


Book 3

Wells, Edna

1902 school photo in Garnet, dtr of JK Wells, married Mr. Westre/Weitre, nurse in France in WWII


Book 3

Wells, Jack

1900 miner at the Nancy Hanks mine, photo, teamster

1/10, 11, 17, 42

Book 3

Wells, JK

Built hotel in Garnet, rancher, freighter, built Wells Hotel in 1898, kids Joseph, Paul, Edward, John, Thomas McTauge Wells, May Margaret "Mame" Wells, Winnie, and Edna, came to Garnet from Bearmouth where they had a hotel, many photos

1/18, 22, 42

Book 3

Wells, Johnny

Photo in front of Miners Union Hall on Miners Union Day 1900, Early Garnet area teamster

1/17, 22, 42

Book 3

Wells, Joseph

Son of JK Wells

Book 3

Wells, May Margaret "Mame"

Dtr of JK Wells, married Mr. Reed

Book 3

Wells, Paul

Early Garnet area teamster, son of JK, 1902 school photo in Garnet, teacher

1/17, 31, 42

Book 3

Wells, Thomas McTauge

Son of JK Wells

Book 3

Wells, Winnie

Dtr of JK Wells, married Mr. Ryan

Book 3

White, Mr.

Garnet miner


Whitworth, H

1898 Garnet miner


Who, Sam

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1919


Wilson, Al

Garnet teamster in 1910

Book 3

Wilson, Thomas

Sawmill engineer, shot and killed his boss Levi C. Johnson in 1901, acquitted as self-defense

2/6, 7, 8

Winnighoff, Rose

Aka Rose Brogran, Garnet teacher


Book 3

Winninghoff's garage

In Phillipsburg


Wisner, Gus

Garnet resident


Woods, ES

Ran Garnet hotel and saloon

1/18, 42

Book 3

Woods, Katie

1902 school photo in Garnet


Woods, Pearl (Miss)

1902 Garnet teacher, photo

1/30, 31

Book 3

Woods, Sue E

1896 Garnet postmistress


Woolrich, Burt

1902 school photo in Garnet


Wright, Jess

Last black resident of Phillipsburg, died in 1940s


Wu, Suson Wing

Bur in Chinese plot at Phillipsburg Cem in 1915


Wyman, Cyrus K.

Granite County Deputy Sheriff, shot and killed Frank Brady in 1904


Zog, William

Killed by Indians, bur in Phillipsburg Cem


Should you have questions, please email the County Coordinator.


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