Hannah Olsdotter Lundwall Tombstone

The gravestone is in the Bozeman City Cemetery (Sunset?) and marks the grave of Hannah Olsdotter Lundwall, born 18 April 1817 in Lofvestad, Malmohus, Sweden. She died 25 Jan 1902 at Bozeman, Montana. She was the wife of Andrew (Anders) Lundwall (Lundval) who died in Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska in 1871

This couple had eight children and five of them had very large families. have tried to make contact with those descendants but have not been successful yet. Surnames are Lundwall, Crowell, Ellickson, Ponsford. 

Hannah Olsdotter Lundwall Tombstone, Bozeman City Cemetery, Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana

Ann Washburn awash64446@aol.com

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